Tuesday, September 27, 2016

All Done and Dusted

I am FINALLY posting my final blog for my PR internship, even though I finished over 2 months ago, I wanted to post it at this time so you guys could benefit as you are about to finish up your internships.

Well, well, well, this brings me to the end of my internship blogs, and I would just like to say a huge thank you to the team at CBH for taking me in with such welcoming arms. My overall experience has been well worth the hour long commutes into the city centre and the constant walking in high heel boots. 

I would just like to give a tip to those of you who are finishing up their internships, make sure you let the workplace know how much you appreciate them dedicating extra time and effort to give you work to do, and thank them for the both work and personal level you got to know them on. Below is my final email I sent on my last day, as a general thank you to everyone who I worked with in my corporate affairs and marketing team. 

“ Hi Team!

This is my last day and I would just like to thank you all for the dedication you have given to me in my time here at CBH.

My time here has been great and I have experienced what it is like to be involved with a team that works so closely together. Thank you for letting me tag along to your meetings and giving me real jobs to do while I was here. 

I wish you all the best, especially Sarah, Nikki and Jody with your soon adventures. Have a great time!!

Thank you for a great internship! And I will be sure to write some positive notes about you all in my Final Report. Also cheers Roz, Kate and Matt for being boss pod buddies, and Sarah, Susan and Christine on my days in pod one! 

Will miss being part of the CBH team and I will see some of you at the Dowerin Field Day, and other farming things I am sure. 

Keep representing us farmers well!!

Regards, Rachel Clarke (The Intern) “

Throughout my time I created a very personal relationship with a lot of the women in my office. Therefore making an email such as this one very appropriate to show my gratitude to everything they had done for me over my time.  I cannot emphasise enough how important it is, good experiences or bad, to say thank you. It is something we are losing in today’s world and I believe people who dedicate so much free time to you appreciate this at least.

As a final parting gift to my group I left chocolates and some slice, this is something I do regularly and was a slight bribe as they are now on my resume as a reference. Remember to be smart as this is one of our first experiences into the PR world which we wish to enter.

ANY WHO, over my past four blogs you have read my rants, my confusion and most importantly my interest in what we do. So now I say good bye and GOOD LUCK! Make every last day worth it!

Happy Interning

-        Rachel


Unknown said...

Well done on finishing your Intern Rachel! Very valid point you have mentioned, it is so important to thank those who have offered us such an amazing intern experience and let us take our first steps into the 'real' PR world. It's great to hear you had a good intern and made so many great friendships! Good luck in finishing your studies and future career! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel - Firstly Congratulations! It's so delightful to hear another success story. Networking is essential within any industry especially in PR.Sounds like you networked your heart out and made some friends along the way. The relationships will prove to be very beneficial - Happy report writing!