Saturday, September 24, 2016

Entering the Field...

Get up and show up…

The transition in the Public Relations Office (PRO) during the first week was easy and steady with the department’s familiarisation process offered to me. The first week of the internship was portrayed as the learning phase, set to internalise all the key tasks and the methodologies performed by the PRO. Moreover, the core values and ethical parameters with regards to the institution’s operations were also understood whereby my supervisor highlighted their significance.
Other than the learning phase carried out in the first week was the draft of my work plan for my one month internship. At first it was difficult for the PRO to establish a work plan due to the relative operations of the PR Department and my internship scheduled days. Fortunately, a fixed work plan was settled in which different PR assignments were assigned such as to revamp the institution’s employment opportunities online web platform and to draft a campaign project amongst all.
An amazing feature of the PRO is the institution’s Souvenir Shop which is upon the authority of the PR department. Since the first week of my internship, the PRO was loaded with suppliers and clients’ interests in line with the products of the Souvenir Shop. During the PRO’s liaison activity with its stakeholders, I had the privilege to scrutinise all the products displayed in the Souvenir shop. In parallel, I noted all the communication strategies and tactics employed by the PR department during its contact with the suppliers which will help for upcoming draft of the PR report for this unit. Ultimately, the Souvenir Shop has been implemented with the objective to establish a mutual relationship with the stakeholders (Students, graduates and visitors), by offering them with products in order to preserve memories. Undeniably this operation may be considered as one form of PR strategies or tactics.

All the more, the immersion process in the PRO during the first week has been informational and instructive, which I believe that the ongoing internship will be challenging but also interesting.

Yet, my lifelong philosophy is to never back down and to always believe in myself!

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