Friday, September 23, 2016

Not feeling productive!

Have you ever felt like you are not productive enough at work?

Here are some tips for you to be productive even when you don’t want to work.

The first thing to do is to take a walk

In fact I realised that the moments I am not productive is when I stay in front of my laptop for several hours. This specially happens when I am writing an article and reread it multiple times. The best way for me to produce a good article is when I finished writing it, take a break from it, get a cup of coffee at the pause area and come back to correct it. Otherwise I am not able to find the mistakes and rephrase the article for it to be attractive for the audience.

A well organised work space

It is really annoying for me to work when there is a lot of clutter around me. I get distracted from my work at the very moment I find something not fitting in the right place on my desk. I am currently building up a collection of magazines in my placement and all the magazines are piled on my desk. I managed to organise them in a way that they are not keeping me from working but anytime I see that one magazine is sticking out from the pile, I stop what I am doing and organise them back. It can seem to be a little extreme but it really helps me to keep a good mindset while working.

Be organised

After having my desk organised, I appreciate having a record of all the things I need to do. You can call that a to-do-list but I think it is more than that. The reason why I say it is more than a to-do-list is because I also brainstorm ideas. Whenever I have a task to do, I brainstorm the main ideas of that task and it facilitates the execution process of this one. Since I started my internship, having a defined time-table of what I need to complete has effectively helped me, mainly for assignments.


My last tip would be to read. Whenever I have some time and need some inspiration, I love reading articles or taking some quizzes on I also find inspiration on blogs dedicated for that and I can say that it really helps me on my self-improvement journey. There are so much positive benefits of reading articles or books every day. Most of all, it helps me developing my writing skills.

Hope you enjoyed this post and best of luck to all of you!

See you soon.


Unknown said...

Hi There,

I am so glad that someone finally mentioned it, your post is so helpful. I too have had my fair share of unproductive days too and sometimes its so draining especially when you need to do things over and over again for a certain period of time. Luckily this post does help keep things in better perspective. Thanks so much for the advice and I do wish you all the best for you report! Have a good one!

-Clinton Chua

Unknown said...

Hi Emilie - You're right! Sometimes I finish a days work and think I was busy all day today but what did I actually do? The tips you have provided are some perfect productive procrastination tasks to do between work to keep us efficient and sane! Thanks for the advice and best of luck with the remainder of your placement!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Emilie,

These are some great tips you provided and your so right. I often find myself doing this when I can't set my mind to focus on something. Taking a walk or reading articles can often bring the inspiration but sometimes I feel uncomfortable doing that, often because I view that work is task after task after task, and nothing in between. This old view of how we should work needs to change because stuff like taking walks, reading articles brings creativity, which is necessary for every PR professional.