Thursday, October 13, 2016

Elite souvenir! Will see you again

When my internship was over, I did not have the opportunity to thank the managing director of Elite Voyage for the trust she put on me to assign those tasks. In fact, she went on a business trip in Russia for a sales call. The staff surely did snacks to celebrate this moment and I will cherish it for a long time. What else can I demand more? I had a successful internship, I've made new friends and I grew up!

Well, a few days ago, I visited Elite Voyage to express my sincere appreciation to the managing director. When she saw me, she congratulated me for my 'brilliant' works as she heard from the manager that I've well written the texts. This moment brought me a 'mixed feelings' as I would never imagine I was able to do such things...
As a result of her appreciation, she gave me chocolates and 2-3 souvenirs to mark this delightful experience! Personally I thank them for this blissful moment I've shared with this incredible staff of Elite Voyage!

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