Monday, October 3, 2016

Finding an internship is like finding an ant in the sand for me

Hello friends, this is Isabella I know it's really late that I just post my blog post for the 1st time for the internship. Let's just get started :)

First of all, I have no idea that finding an internship as a PR student will be really really hard and requires a lot of time and receiving replies when you apply for the position is kinda giving mixed emotions like excited to work as intern but a bit sorrow when the company does not want us in their industry. But all is good now because I will finish my intern position soon enough after finding it with much effort and struggle.

I have been enjoying my intern position as a social media assistant in managing the company's Facebook page and the website for the company. I work for a karaoke industry called Inul Vizta in South Sumatra, Indonesia. It has been a pretty successful company as it's been running from 2008 and everyday there is always guest or customers who want to sing at the place.
The name for the company is pretty unique because the franchiser use Indonesian singer to work as the icon or ambassador for our company. The company also has a lot of branches across Indonesia such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Lampung, Medan, Makassar, Depok, Tangerang and many more.

At first, I was really nervous on how to work as an intern in a company because I don't have much working experience in general let alone as a PR intern. Also, finding an intern position in Australia is really hard for me as I am an international student and don't have significant experience in working and most companies want people who are already have skills in working as intern.
When I work at the company, the manager trains me on how to do the work in general, giving me guidelines on how to work with the teams, what things to post on the accounts and the people are really friendly too as I have known them before I apply for the job.

The one thing that I am concerned with at first was the difference theories applied for PR in general. Like in Indonesia, PR is known more as public speaking, presentation and writing reports. It is seen as communication and promotion tool for the company. But in Australia, it isn't like that, there is more to PR than what I know before studying it in University. So it is kinda interesting to tell my fellow colleagues about what I studied for PR, the techniques, theories, understanding and application for PR in working as well.

Well, I think it is enough for my 1st post ever in this blog. I will write my intern journey soon enough and doing my best as a student as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Isabella
Great Blog! It's good that you have found and finished your internship. I know that experience about looking for an internship is harder than you think, because I went through the same process!
It sounds very interesting working in a different country as different places have different perspective of PR. (refer to Cross-Cultural Communication Unit)
It's good that you have learnt and enjoyed working at that company! :)