Saturday, October 1, 2016

Week One - Completed and Successful!

Hello all,

This is my first blog and its with great pleasure that I am sharing my experience to you all.  I am currently undertaking my internship at DHL Global Forwarding which is located near the airport.
DHL Global Forwarding is an international freight organisation mainly dealing in imports and exports of goods.  It is listed as being the first in airline freight services and second in sea freight on a global level.  It operates in almost every country of the world.  The office in which I have been posted consists of an import, export, clearing and communications department.  Prior to joining DHL, I had a few objectives to achieve which were mainly;

(i)   being exposed to the job market
(ii)  gain work experience
(iii) to work in teams and collaborate with colleagues
(iv) to boost my self-confidence and enhance skills.

For the few days I have joined the organisation, I got acquainted to all the staff members.  My first week was really enriching.  I learned about the tasks carried out by the different departments.  I have been posted in the public relations and sales department which is relevant to my internship.

The sales manager explained numerous strategies and tactics which are adopted at the level of DHL to deal with customers and other stakeholders.  Its main stakeholders are its clients followed by airlines and customs to mention a few.

The main communications team of DHL is located in South Africa.  They are in charge to develop the advertising campaigns which are then sent out to other affiliated countries.  The specialised and dedicated team in mostly involved in designing pamphlets, calenders, and other advertising campaigns to be set up on billboards.

In Mauritius, the communications team is adapted to the Mauritian market.  They mainly conduct promotional campaigns on billboard and newspapers which are most effective to the local market.  There is a communications lead in every country to make sure that the job is being done effectively.

My first week has been really enriching and I am looking forward to know more about the organisation and the industry as well.  I shall be sharing my experience in my workplace to you all on this platform and I am keen to know about my other friends' experiences as well.  Until then, I wish you all good luck for you internship and happy blogging.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tosheena :)

DHL is indeed a great company. I once did my internship there. It was epic. The staffs are amazing.You will learn a lot from them. Wish you good luck and make the best out of it!