Sunday, October 2, 2016

Free Coffee Always… Count Me In

It all moved so quickly, in a matter of days I gained my internship and started interning at Smart Coffee a coffee pod distribution company.

The office was so welcoming and definitely settled my first day nerves. I felt like I was a part of the team from the get go.

As the company produces and distributes Nespresso compatible pods you can bet what my first question was in my interview. Are they recyclable?  My colleagues said they didn’t know…to me this is exactly what I would want to know as a consumer. My first undertaking was a response to my interview curiosity! Research, research, research to produce a sustainability article outlining the recyclability of Smart Coffee pods. Third year Contemporary Practice came into play and some issues needed to be analysed.

Another initial task had a Facebook focus! Facebook was established for the company but I was given the role to schedule content. On my first day I learnt many new aspects of the platform. It’s crazy how much you can do for a business through Facebook and everyday I’m learning more.

I’m sure most of you have been there awaiting social media responses…

I also created my first ever Facebook editorial calendar for scheduling content. It has been so helpful for visualising content in advance. The first week was trial and error to some extent. Although every PR class came into play when defining the target audience. Knowing what the audience enjoys and engages with is one of the best techniques to gain earned media. Future posts can now be tailored to the audience desire. It’s going to be such a valuable and essential skill to have going into the industry next year.

All my colleagues are so supportive of my work and value my perspective. Having highly experienced colleagues a desk away is phenomenal and the best resource for gaining knowledge and experience of the industry and office practice.

I can’t wait for all the new exciting projects I will be working on for the rest of my placement. I’m finding the tasks I thought were difficult at the start are now becoming easier but the harder tasks will always come.  My only concern is the access to copious amounts of coffee. At the moment it’s amazing but I fear this may be dangerous, I’m becoming addicted.

Advice with Katie – Absorb as much information as you can from your surrounding colleagues, don’t underestimate their experience and ASK questions. 


Unknown said...

This is awesome! Did your boss task you to produce an article on sustainability? If so I love how relevant that is to the content that we study. It was no small task either, producing that article was a great way to maintain transparency with your publics. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

It's great that too much coffee is your only issue with your placement! I 100% agree with you, the best way to learn is by asking questions and getting feedback/advice from those with experience. Good luck with the rest of your placement, and your new coffee addiction!

Unknown said...

Hi Sergio - Yeah! A great task right, mainly focused on capsule sustainability and alternatives. A pressing issue within the industry that must be addressed. Thanks for your insights!

Hi Danika - Thankfully it's the only issue I've had so far! Asking questions is all part of the learning process and it definitely enhances the journey. Thank you, wish you all the best with your placement and report!

Unknown said...

What an insightful post Katie!
I really believe that graduates these days bring a greater level of social conscious to the organsiations that employ them.
You are so right, many consumers these days want to know the products they buy and environmentally friendly.
Smart Coffee is very lucky to have you and your fresh-minded approach!

Unknown said...

Hi Tiana - We all definitely posses these traits as Curtin nearly graduates! Agreed, consumers are driving CSR pressure in nearly all industries. Thanks for your lovely comment!