Monday, October 10, 2016

How did I get that lucky?

I remember sitting on the balcony of the fourth floor and realising how lucky I was! I think we are not thankful enough for the chances we get and we do take it for granted. The work, meaningful as it was, was only a small part which made my internship experience special. Meeting with important CEOs and being on the front scene was horrifying at first but the deep breath I took before pushing this door was deeply comforting, the little voice in my head yelling "You can do this" made me feel invincible!

"Cogito ergo Sum" -" I think therefore I am"

The real feeling of having neurones dancing in my head to find the most creative way to present projects. There are many reasons to consider when doing an internship, but perhaps none is more worthwhile than being a part of something bigger than yourself!

Enjoy your journey guys and make each moment a unique one! 


Melcre@ said...


In fact, I totally agree with you. It is a "once a lifetime" opportunity and we should be thankful to those who enabled this. I hope you enjoyed your placement and best luck for your report.

Unknown said...

Hello Sandiana,
Your caption could not have said it any better, indeed we are all very lucky to be part of this amazing sphere, Public Relations is definitely an opportunity not only for us to develop a career in but for companies to come back to life, let me explain. When i started my internship, the company was going through a bad phase and lacked innovation, I decided that I would use this as an opportunity and transform it with my PR skills ! Today the Manager thanked me and told me how lucky and blessed he was for having me as an intern and that their ideas have changed and they see better prospects for the future.
Am glad to see you are not taking this opportunity for granted ! It is a life-changing one indeed.

All the best for the future,
Katherina Canarapen

Unknown said...

Hi Sandiana,

Definitely a great outlook on things! Admittedly I was a nervous wreck starting my internship and felt my supervisor quite harsh for the first few days. But looking back, I am extremely lucky to of had this privilege and gain this first hand experience that many would not. Keep on staying positive, and if you have other quotes like these, please send them my way!
