Saturday, October 15, 2016

I finally made it! Ciao …

My twenty days internship are finally over, over, over! I finally made it, no need to:
  • ·         Wake-up early in the morning
  • ·         Wear formal clothes (things I don’t normally do)
  • ·         Go back to work by bus (hated it the most)

Yeah, my internship is over at the Board of Investment (BOI). I really appreciated the twenty days spent in this prestigious national investment promotion agency of Mauritius. I have made new encounters, new colleagues, new friends and certainly, the most important one: I GAINED MUCH MORE IN EXPERIENCE that I would have expected so far.

These twenty days have passed rapidly even if I have made it over one month 1/2. I have really appreciated doing the last task which was attributed to me. That is, the event plan and timeline of the past event: ‘Africa Partnership Conference 2016’. This event was organised by the BOI in September but my manager asked me to work on it as if it would be held in December. This was done so that he could get an idea on how I would manage to do it and work on it. I had to write a timeline based on the Grant chart and an event planning with all description as far as possible. This reminded me of the module that I have already covered in my first year that is PR Techniques.

Yet after having completed this duty, my manager was very satisfied of my work. I have been able to bring a new way of working out an event plan as he told me the way I done it, was a really interesting one; and then the timeline was also good but my manager explained that there are some modifications concerning the days. Indeed, the event management was the most enjoyable duty that I have done so far at the BOI, as after my studies I have planned to specialise in event management.

My last day at the BOI was a feeling of accomplishment as the HR manager has been really happy my work as there were only positive feedbacks on all the tasks I have done at the BOI. In addition my manager was also proud and say that I had been of a great help in the absence of the PR officer in the department. I surely think that I have gained in experience whilst doing my internship there. My manager has trusted me and I feel grateful for that.  

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