Sunday, October 16, 2016

Introduction to the Internship Placement 101

Hello readers, it's been quite a time since my first post ever in the blog. Today, I'll tell you about my workplace for the PR Internship. Likewise, I said that the place specialise in entertainment industry.

The place was established on 2008 and have been very successful entertainment company in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra. This is where I was born and grew up at. Everyday the business generates a profit up to amount of $5,000 if converted in Australian Dollar.

The place was expanded to another building on year 2011, adding more 100 rooms for guests to come and enjoy karaoke-ing in our place.
We offer a 'happy hour service' where people can book the room for 2 hours and get a free 1 hour additional with certain total amount of food and beverages for the previous 2 hour that they have used beforehand.
Our business opens EVERYDAY from 11AM - 3AM in the morning. Our employees have three shifts changes throughout the days and given a few day-offs per month (notified for medical reason or other personal reasons).

There is a downside to our place where we as an entertainment industry have to close our business when it's on Ramadan month about 2 - 3 months (June to end of July or beginning of August). We have to do that because of the Indonesia's regulation where we have to respect our Muslim friends who are fasting and prohibited to have late night entertainment or clubbing services. But this only applies in small provinces such as Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi. Sadly, our place is applied.

This is the place that I have been working for:

This is the front logo of the building. it has 5 floors (floor 1 - 4 are the karaoke rooms), 5th floor is the office. We also use elevator service for easier access to our customers since year 2014.
The special colours for the industry are blue and yellow. It is applied in the employees' uniform, front desk table design and wallpapers around the building.

This below is our brand ambassador. She is called Inul Daratista or preferably called as Inul, a leading singer specialise in Dangdut music genre, it is quite famous music genre in Indonesia. She has been working as a singer from year 2000, her work is acknowledged nationally by 2003 and has been working with the karaoke franchiser since year 2005.
The rooms that we offer for our customers are divided to 6 types. There are small, deluxe, medium, large, VIP and VVIP, with different prices range. The last 2 types are usually booked for birthdays, seminar, gatherings and official meetings.

These below are some of the images for the rooms:

These below are the price offered by the business. It is presented in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) prices.

The karaoke place also have food services for the customers to enjoy their time when they are karaoke-ing. These below are some menu design for the business. The menu is also part of the special offers for birthdays up to 20+ pax and offered with various types of Indonesian food specially served by the kitchen staff. (All prices are in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)).

Based on my personal experiences and a few visits, I have been to the place before I was working as an intern and it is a really good place and recommended for people who loves to sing and spend their time with friends and families. We have a lot of songs in the system and you can request it if it's still haven't uploaded yet (I'll tell you more on my next post!).

This karaoke brand has a lot of branches across Indonesia such as Jakarta, Denpasar;Bali, Surabaya, Lampung, Bandung, Makassar, Jayapura, Tangerang, Medan and more. If you are interested in coming there and want to know more about the place, don't hesitate contact me later for more information.

I think that's all for this time, I have spilled quite a lot of information for our company. Thanks for reading!!


Unknown said...

Wow Isabella! You're definitely working for a very unique organisation. I appreciate you going into detail about the services and experiences your organisation offers as well as the background information. It certainly gives an insight into what this company is all about considering there isn't anything like it in Perth.

I would like to know how you have been juggling the commitment of flying overseas between study to sit your placement? I can only imagine this has been quite stressful.
I would also like to know what specific PR related work you are doing for the organisation? as in, what your role in the organisation is? Is PR practice similar or different to what we have learnt in classes here?

I hope you're enjoying it!

Unknown said...

This sounds so great! What a great blog post to read with all the visuals of where you are interning. The organisation you are with seems to offer a number of services which was interesting to read! Sounds very unique and different to other organisations out there. Your schedule seems extremely full on but good on you and hope you're having a great time. Best of luck!
