Friday, October 7, 2016

Step out of your comfort zone

When growing, up you are always asked what do you want to be when you grow up? Most people would say a doctor, nurse, dancer, pilot or teacher. But there was always that once kid who never had an answer and that was me. I had no idea what I wanted to be. Towards the end of high school, I started noticing event planning and was always fascinated on how they come about. Therefore, I did my research and there was actually a degree in event planning hence why my major is Public Relations and Events Management.

During my time at Curtin I have got to learn all the terms of Public Relations, I never wanted to pursue a career in PR, however, doing my internship has made me rethink my decision.

I still plan events for my internship, however, my boss has been giving me more job roles under the PR sector such as writing, social media, creating posters. My English writing, I would say is adequate, not perfect. With this internship, I am able to practice my writing with supervision from my supervisor which has been really great because I am improving.

Another thing that this internship is helping me improve on is my creativity. I have mastered everything about Canva because I have to create a poster almost every week. I have never been a creative person; I would always choose not to do a poster. However, I have had to step out of my comfort zone. Below is a preview of my work. It is not perfect but I am getting there.

I advise each one of you not to be afraid to try new things or challenges. They are a great learning tool and they help you grow as a person.   

1 comment:

Quin said...

Hey Stacey! I have never realised how important being creative and visual is within the PR field until my internship as well! I design most of my time in the internship and I can definitely relate here. Canva has been a godsend. Pinterest and has been an amazing inspiration platform for me, perhaps you could utilise that as well. Good luck!