Sunday, October 16, 2016

The End (for now)

I've finished my 20 days at the WAEC and it's definitely been a journey. Our last week was still filled with some interesting experiences and conversations.. as well as very sad goodbye to our supervisor Sotear (who is also leaving the WAEC).

This week consisted mainly on filming for our social media content. On Tuesday we went to Curtin University for a few hours and attempted to record some vox pops with students about voting and our new mascot/character (currently named: Vincent the Voting Screen). While we were only able to interview 5 people (due to our shyness and some of the locations we attempted not being very busy), we got some great footage and content that we can definitely use in the final product!

Thursday's filming was less successful as there wasn't many young people in the city area (and TAFE wasn't the best location to film in because of the way the campus is set up). It wasnt the best feeling to come back empty handed but to make up for it we will be trying to film at a couple of universities next Tuesday instead. After viewing Tuesday's footage we worked out what we can improve on to help our success rate and will implement this on our next filming trip.

We were also asked to view the final version of the training videos that Ed and Winnie had been involved in earlier in our internship experience. It was great to see the finished product and we all had a laugh when Ed or Winnie appeared on the screen. Again, our feedback was wanted and appreciated.. an aspect of the internship I really enjoyed.

Our last day with Sotear was a somewhat emotional one. We had a debrief meeting over coffee where she thanked us for all the work we've done over the past 20 days and gave us praise for completing some major projects that would've taken much longer to complete without our help. We were also asked about our feedback of the internship in terms of what we enjoyed and didnt enjoy and there was definitely more pros than cons. It really was a great experience.

While the 20 days are done, we have all said we're willing to come back and help at any time with further involvement in our projects. The 20 days has also helped me to see a side of PR I could definitely be interested. Social media management and creation wasn't something I ever saw myself doing and yet here I am after 20 days wanting to do more!

This is goodbye, for now. For people who are still completing their internships, enjoy it and work hard as it'll be finished before you even realise.

Isabella Olivera (17742580)

Group photo with our supervisor Sotear (next to Ed) and Jodie who is currently in HR

Receptionist Pina says goodbye to her children! We will miss you too

A surprise thank you gift on our desk from Sotear. Yummy!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like your internship was a big success! Great to see supervisors being so supportive too.