Monday, October 24, 2016

The fun starts outside of the office!

Hi Everyone!

My internship so far with the Tourism Council of Western Australia has been an absolute dream come true, a real opportunity for me to be able to combine public relations with my passion of tourism! I have spent quite a lot of my degree trying to figure out the right way for me to combine the two in a perfect fit or if it was even possible, and I really feel like I have found my calling finally!

Tourism Council WA is the peak body representing tourism businesses, industries and regions in Western Australia, and in the short time I have been with the organisation it has been so easy to see that each staff member of their (very) small team will always go above and beyond for each of their members.

One of my first days interning was at the state tourism conference, which the Tourism Council organises bi-annually for all tourism establishments in WA to come together and learn from not only each other but from industry professionals on everything from how best to utilise social media to sustainability practices and ecotourism.

My first job for that day was registering all of the attendees (400+) and handing out their conference packs. Now this may sound like the most boring job and the least amount of fun, but it was a great opportunity to meet some of the biggest names in tourism and network among people who all shared a similar passion!

Since the conference and those first few days interning I have had time to reflect and am grateful that my first few days were out of the office and in on the action as it allowed a lot less time to be nervous on my part and instead I was thrown into the team and thankfully easily accepted. Getting the start I did taught me early on that you always need to be adaptable and able to work and think on the spot pretty quick at times, this has become even more present since settling into “office life” too. No one-day is ever the same with this team, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 

- Laura  

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