Saturday, October 8, 2016

Looking through Rose-coloured Glasses

As I'm writing this, it is 1:38am on Sunday, and I just came home to hear the neighbours cranking up some loud music *lovely* Also, as I'm writing this, my feet ache once again from an exciting and crazy night spent at another signature Momentum Forum Events function: the Brian Gardner Pink Ribbon Ball. 

Behind the scenes
T'was a Pink Night
Held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, the massive ballroom was lit up in pink. Before the guests were to arrive at 6:30pm, setting up tables with name cards, raffle tickets and envelopes, auction catalogues, and corporate signage was the first task our group of interns. It was great to see you all there again (you know who you are!).

From the get-go I had an inkling that the night would have it's stressful moments; as is expected from helping to run an event. The corporate signage list wasn't set out according to a previous version, and the guest list pinned to boards by the entrance weren't printed well; raffle tickets had to be counted and re-counted, and laid out on all forty-six tables, and so, too, did the auction catalogues; all neatly rearranged to accommodate everything else crowding the table. There's a lot more paperwork at an event than you'd think.

Pink Ribbon Ball 2016
As the guests arrived in the foyer, enjoying their bubbly pre-drinks and came over to the table where raffle entries and door prize sign-ups were happening, the excitement started to build together with the decibels of conversations. The rainy weather withdrew into the night, and soon everyone was filling the ballroom, anticipating the night ahead.

The Pink Ribbon Ball is an annual signature event, since Barbara founded MFE in 2002, and its support for breast cancer awareness is amazing. It's sad to realise that this illness is something that everyone in that room had a connection to; either because they experienced it, they guided someone else going through the rigorous treatment, or because you want to support others discovering the painful journey. Behind the pink lights, the sequinned dresses and the grand ballroom, we are real people gathering to support a cause that we, sadly, hear about too often. This is something our guest testimonial speaker Debbie Clarke was sharing with us last night.

Going One, Going Twice, Sold!
Behind the scenes and away from the reality check felt across the room, the live auction was coming up soon. But before the real hustle began, Jess and I got the delicious task of showcasing a 10kg life-size Cadbury chocolate bar, tempting everyone, which was really fun!

Colour me pink
And so the serious bidding began. In addition to the team which was handling the auction, us interns were made to divide and conquer, and be 'spotters': signalling anytime someone in our section raised their hand to place a bid to benefit the auctioneer. My head was swirling from one side to the other, patrolling the area if you will, trying to keep up with the pace of the auctioneer's speedy monotone of which bidding price we were at. There was also a silent auction, but it was pretty quiet on that front; I wonder if any of those silent auction paintings got sold...

Wrapping it Up
In the end, everyone was dancing and having a good time. The live band got a crowd of their own up on the stage, singing away as the smoke machine fogged the disco laser lights. The atmosphere was infectious. When all the auction catalogues, corporate signage and other bits and pieces were collected, it was time for us interns to get together and have a glass of wine. What was a nice surprise was that the kitchen had some desserts left over for us to enjoy. Chocolate cups with raspberry coulis, macaroon meringue and flower petals was truly a treat!

The A-team

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