Thursday, October 13, 2016

Time is a friend of Usain Bolt!

What an amazing journey it has been! Almost at the end of it and I'm feeling a bit sad to leave Elite's staff after all those mesmerizing moments. One of the best staff I've ever worked with in a chilling atmosphere.
This adventure has been a very tiring one as it was quite difficult to cope with the placement and studies. I was always on alert to make the most of the journey. Still, you could not imagine how enriching this experience was for me. I learnt a lot of things and I realized that Public Relations does not simply apply theories. The best moment was when I was congratulated on my drafted texts on Les Seychelles' hotels.  It is encouraging to know that your work is valued!

Although its nearly the end, I have this strange sensation that I've still got a lot to learn. I realized that the 20 days is merely short since my understanding of PR does not limit specifically on Research, Evaluation and Recommendations. It goes further than that and this makes me eager to continue this marvelous adventure during holidays...


Unknown said...

Hello Avin,
I love your caption ! Time is definitely a friend of Usain Bolt, reminds me of a quote '"Time and tide wait for no man". I completely agree with the fact that there is still left to learn, in fact the internship has been a whole learning process that has prepared us for the real world, and now we need to learn how to apply those theories in the real world as every job sectors differ, private or public, they all have different visions and expectations for their companies, yet the ethics of PR should be applied consistently.
I am glad to see that you enjoyed these 20 days as much as I did during my internship. The best is yet to come !
Cheers and all the best for your career as a future PR professional,
Katherina Canarapen

Unknown said...

Hey Katherina,

I'm glad you agree with me! Yeah it has been a fantastic moment where you are eager to learn all the skills required to make out at the end of your journey. I'm grateful that I could provide my company with ideas and solutions. I don't know if it is the same for you but I did grow up from this placement experience.