Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Watch Out!

Events Management seems hard to do. All the planning and all the stress that comes with it, seems unappealing to most people. For me I love planning events, It is my passion and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life.

This internship has made me enjoy event planning even more. I have helped my supervisor plan event that students will definitely enjoy such as picnic in the park, Swan valley trips, Caversham and Tav nights. 

With all the excitement in event planning, there are some obstacles that will come you way such as weather, attendance, budgeting and time. 

Whatever obstacles that come you way these useful tips will help you overcome.

#1- Always have a back up plan
When I was working for the International Students Committee (ISC) we had a week where we would celebrate each continent. During Europe day it was not in the weather forecast to rain however mother nature was not on the same page as us. We had to move our event to an undercover area which was a big inconvenience to people as we had to delay the event and there was not enough space. 
Moral of the story here, when having an outdoor event you never know what the weather may be like, always have a plan B which will include a covered area. 

#2- Time management
In all the events I have planned I have never been properly prepared for them. Time is always the most important factor. You need to always be on top of things. If you have poor time management skills like me then event time will be stressful. If you are like me always have plan you day by the time, tell yourself that you must complete that certain task by the time you allocated to it. Always leave yourself 2 hours before the event to allow for any last minute changes. 

#3- Have a team
You can never be alone in event planning, set up a trustworthy team. Split your team according to their strengths so that you can avoid mishaps. Help will make a great difference in your event compared to you doing it yourself. Ask for help whenever you need it, it will be helpful. 

#4- Relax and Have Fun
Do not let the stress overcome your event planning skills. When an obstacle occurs do not let it take over you keep calm. In whatever plan you planning no matter what type always find a way to have fun.  

1 comment:

Marianne Green said...

You made some great points! Especially about having a back up plan and time management - these areas are always something people seem to take for granted and therefore maybe why events become less appealing to organise. You sound like you have enjoyed every minute of your placement and that its keeping you challenged yet excited about your future!
Good luck!

- Marianne