Friday, October 21, 2016

We are actually all project managers!

Me rn. 

Project management was always kind of a scary word to me. It’s not something that I thought I was very experienced in. When I was given the task of independently writing a marketing and social media plan for an education school holiday program, and ensuring that it was implemented, I was quite apprehensive. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciated the responsibility because it was something I could put my name to and really own, however it was still a daunting task. 

The planning and implementation of this project was also to be done alongside the company’s major performance season, which I was assisting with as well. Multitasking is absolutely essential in PR, and switching my brain from the school holiday program to the major performance was something that had to become second nature.

After my initial apprehension towards independently running my own program, I realised that I had been doing a similar thing in life already! I’m sure many of you out there are juggling four units, along with a part time job, volunteering and perhaps an internship on top of that. Thinking about what I have been doing for the past 4 years, in respect to Uni life, I realised I have been a project manager the whole time.

It was a challenge running the program alongside my tasks assisting the Marketing and Comms Manager, however after I began to think of this as nothing more than my usual Uni life and I started to think clearer and switching my mindset from one project to the other was a lot easier! As students we are often tasked with multiple projects to complete at once, especially during those busy periods like the one we are all in now before the semester ends! 

My experience doing some project management at my internship has helped me become more confident in myself and influenced my perspective on the whole field of project management.

- Aimee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Aimee,

It seems like you're learning a lot from your internship placement experience - I guess it is the whole point of this unit, isnt it? I completely agree with you that as PR practitioners we will need to juggle and multitask different projects and tasks at the same time. It is a life skill that I believe is extremely important, not only in the workplace but also something that we can always implement into our daily day to day life. Hope you're enjoying your internship so far and good luck!

Bella x