Friday, September 30, 2016

Back to the roots: Newsletter

Another task allocated to me today was to search for the Property Development scheme and Freeport Scheme in the eNewsletter - which highlighted the Budget 2016-2017, found on the website of BOI. I needed to look for any changes made in these two sectors which had been released in the Finance Act 2016. This was done on purpose to make changes in the electronic newsletter released by the BOI.

Public Relations Techniques: Just a short recap, a newsletter is a special document which contains interesting facts. It describes company’s goals and direction. Newsletters are seen as “controlled” media as one can control the content and output. Yet modern newsletters are now found online as:

it is used as an umbrella name to cover corporate newspapers and magazines;
it focuses on addressing stakeholder needs and interests;
electronic newsletter is cheaper to produce;
it is accessible to a wider audience;
readership is more than one person when it is situated online


Doralie said...

Hi Aurelie, thank you for the reminder of the benefits in privileging a modern newsletter rather than a traditional one as I am actually working on an e-newsletter.

I would like to add that even though the e-newsletter comes with a lot of new advantages and opportunities, we must not ignore some online issues which might take place when using e-newsletters.

For example, at my placement, my supervisor want the up-coming e-newsletter to be send by mail and to appear directly as an image together with hyperlinks when one opens the mail (some kind of “pop-up e-newsletter) – this; rather than going through the usual step of opening the PDF file to get access to the newsletter. Thus, my team and I are actually researching on how to make this happen.

Thus, we have to consider that apart the researches needed before designing and writing the content of the newsletter, now we have to take in consideration how to present the newsletter online as well.

I am still at the first step of re-designing my workplace first newsletter to make it more attractive to the wider audience. From now on, I have only one week left to submit the final new newsletter (design + content).Thus, just like you, I am analyzing the old newsletters to bring new insight in the next upcoming one.

I hope that you are enjoying your PR placement.

Until next time,

Unknown said...

Hello Doralie,

Thanking you for coming across my post on e-newsletter, a prior PR technique tool that we have learnt.
It is great that you have had the opportunity to work on the e-newsletter at your placement. It is true that e-newsletter has also some disadvantages in terms of the online issues but to be sincere, e-newsletter is a more engaging tool as compared to the traditional one. I would also like to mention the fact that you have been lucky to work on the design of an e-newsletter. Unfortunately there is already a graphic designer at my placement who is specialised in designing media tools such as e-newsletter, magazines, brochures etc.

Kind regards,