Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Equipped with knowledge… I am now ready for my future career

My 20 days internship is coming to an end, and I CAN say that I have unquestionably gained a lot at Caritas.

''How has your experience at Caritas been helping you in your internship?'' – That’s the question I’ve been asked by my supervisor. To be honest, much more than I could imagine.

Before starting my internship, I thought that after having studied Public relations for 3 years learning theories, doing multiple assignments and sitting for exams, everything would be fine for me. Believe me, I was wrong. Never did I believe that I would be involved in so many projects; writing press releases, interacting with the media and delivering a speech at an event, all this in only 3 short weeks (only one week left to complete my internship…so SAD).

I was on the same page as everyone during my internship. I felt integrated as a member of the NGO. I had a supportive colleague and my supervisor was helpful, hence I could asked many questions to make sure that I understand what’s required from me.

The best way to learn is from asking questions.
However, as an intern I had to manage work and assignments and trust me this ain’t that simple. I was assigned to several tasks at once and expected to work as per due dates. Crazy isn’t it? Well, to manage my time effectively I had to be able to organise myself and make judgements about what is demanding and what is crucial. At the very beginning, I was only focusing on my internship and kind of neglecting my academic field. Then I decided to divide my time appropriately and guess what – everything is fine!

Internships and work experience are a proven method of getting your foot in the door. - Duane Strauss.

This was an amazing internship. I have gained profitable experience in the working environment as both a team and alone. By working in close proximity to my colleague and my supervisor, I had the chance to have my performance evaluated with frequent feedback. It was instructive. My placement was an open door to perceive how what I have been studying in PR functions in various settings, on and off grounds. These opportunities to coordinate, orchestrate and apply information are key to profound, important learning experiences. 

I now have a great idea of the proper way to behave as a skillful person. My placement experience has upgraded my insight advancement, as well as my self-improvement. I have built-up a personal work ethic. I have acquired the scholarly instruments and moral establishing to act with certainty for the improvement of the human condition. The tasks I was assigned to have opened my eyes on diverse profession I had previously planned. All of this has just confirmed that I did the right choice by picking PR as a future profession.

As a result, I am now confident to jump into the real world of PR after my graduation as I better understand myself in connection to others and the bigger world.

I began my internship with a bag half full of knowledge, I came out with a pack loaded with experience.

Interns are not paid, but, I have been paid… in experience!

It’s not the end… It’s the start of another trip!

I am Anne-Sophie Laval...
 and it was my story.


Unknown said...

Hello Anne-Sophie,

I hope that your last Internship week is not that tough and shall be as enriching as it has been for the past three weeks.

Like you said, this journey has been fruitful, be it because the amount of tasks we had to accomplish, the priceless guidance of seniors, deadlines compelling us to realize our responsibilities towards the firm and so forth, and I guess that were the main motives of this PR Internship module (Hands down, the best one so far!). Serving our PR internships have well-prepared us for the real work environment which is awaiting us in the forth-coming months.

Alike you, I too felt a sense of belonging and this aided in establishing a friendly connection with all colleagues, who in-turn were always keen to guide and help whenever things were not that clear. What amazed me is how everyone, from all departments, seniors, subordinates and interns would join hands so as to make the divers projects triumphs.

Talking about DEADlines, I can totally feel you and the stress you are going through only by looking at the word ‘Deadlines’. At the very beginning, I also had this tendency of prioritising the internship and putting aside class activities, but soon I realized that I need to balance these two, for it is my last semester at the Charles Telfair Institute (Tear rolled down my cheek!) and I need to make the most out of it.
Definitely not the right time to neglect our studies!

That being said, I guess the Communication and PR field is as such, and the number of last-minute surprises with tight deadlines is certainly going to escalade with time and the years of experience we shall gain. Nonetheless, no complaints as long as we love what we do!

All experts have once been beginners!

Unknown said...

Hello Sheevani,

Thank you for your reading time.

Oh yeah, I’m overloaded with tasks, but I cannot complain because I love what I am doing at Caritas. Having the opportunity to work with people from different background is so enriching. I feel so integrated and at ease. I’ve learned to work collaboratively and alone. The fact that I have been asked by my supervisor to write two articles and to play an important role in his event made me feel like he believes in me, you know. That’s so rewarding.

Despite the fact that it is not that easy to adjust my time between work and assignments, hence I took it as a challenge. Next Monday, I have a meeting at Caritas' centre of development at Pere Laval at night – meaning that in the morning I’ll be in the office (Caritas Functional Literacy Programme) and at night in a meeting with new people where I’ll be able to learn new things from them (I’m so eager). Organisation is the key during my internship because if I don’t organise myself, I’d be completely lost.

I keep in mind that all these hard work will pay off. At the end of the day, I think that I can say that I have made the big step. Confidence goes with success.

You are right! Experts were not born that way, they shaped their talent.