Wednesday, September 21, 2016


“Just like footprints in the sand, each steps signifies the journey taken” - Maharashtra

Hello All,

This is my first blog entry and I am glad to share my experience with you all. I am having my internship position at Flash Communications Ltd which is an incredible association that connects with a wide range of individuals. Enhancing my written work was likely the greatest challenge. While serving this internship position, I increased an empirical fragment of knowledge into how precisely a PR organization capacities and how associations with customers are being built up and kept up. As an extensive piece of my duties included online networking and emailing, virtual communication methodology improvement and usage, I could assist with the expansion of my working information in the zone.

Besides, I had the chance to fill in as a feature of a group on a progressing premise to serve the office's customers and viably execute their PR systems. This work experience is giving me the certainty that I am appropriate for my steady endeavors to take-in on my own which now makes me feel all around arranged for my first genuine PR part. It is an extraordinary learning knowledge, an affirmation that I have picked the right profession and on account of it, I am presently a superior communicator as compared to my previous experiences.

Obviously, the course acquired in university is helping me to drive into the glitzy universe of official statements like news-casting, promoting, correspondences, media and advanced showcasing which are all fabulous doors to PR where we can apply the abilities in this present reality. PR organizations are progressive, occupied situations where imagination and excitement are rewarded.

The part of the temporary position encounter that I prefer the most is having the chance to take an advanced shot at customer ventures. Flash Communications ltd is a one stop shop interchanges accomplice for imaginative publicizing arrangements. Every intern benefits by learning and aiming hands-on experience in a small team environment. I had the chance to associate with staff and key stakeholders regularly, figure out how tasks are completed, and participated in related educational activities.

I hope that you all enjoyed reading my first experience post and best of luck for your placement.  Thank you for reading and comments are most welcome. 

Urvashi Nayeck

Charles Telfair Institute, Mauritius


Unknown said...

Hi Urvashi,

I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think that for a lot of us, this PR Internship module have given us a great opportunity to look forward to the working world. This module is highly preparing us to what is coming in the future. I really appreciated the way you described your experience in your placement through this blog post.
I which you luck for the completion of your internship.
Thank you for your interesting post.

Unknown said...

Hi Urvashi,

Much the same as you, my internship at Caritas has confirmed that I did the right choice by picking PR as my future profession. It is true that an internship is a chance to apply theories into practice, yet the beauty of internship is that it provides professional experience. As interns, we began assuming an active role in this field and became engage across differences. It’s a challenge to build new ways of thinking and to work as per due times.

I feel you when you said that what we have learned in PR courses were useful during the internship. I wrote two articles and plan two events, though the real world is quite different from what I have expected, I must admit that without those hypotheses, for instance, the inverted pyramid, I’d be lost. Indeed, applying knowledge is important to deep and significant learning experiences.

Having the opportunity to go behind-the-scenes is such an amazing experience as it is already preparing us for our future career. It is all about hard work and dedication.

Best of luck!