Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Getting the Game Face On!

Can't believe how time flies and I am halfway through my internship at Event and Conferenec Co now! Starting out the internship, I was definitely a nervous ball worrying about all possible situations that could go wrong. All the times we have been reminded of Do's and Don'ts in classes definitely left a mark here. Fast forward two months now, I can finally say I no longer dread the bus ride to work but turn up feeling positive and ready to take on the day, bringing me to my point for my first blog - the importance of having the right attitude.  

Public Relations handles a great deal of brand and stakeholders management. While we learn a great deal about corporate public relations, it is also worthwhile to look at ourselves as a brand ourselves and building a strong foundation. The best example to look at (and also my personal favourite) is Richard Branson, a personal branding powerhouse.

Having the right attitude for me then is about embodying a good balance of professionalism in the workplace. In my experience, this includes getting it right in many aspects such as punctuality, respect, responsibility, intiative and accountability. Saying that, let me list down some life (or shall I say internship) hacks that I have picked up on and has certainly helped me get my game face on for a professional environment.

1) Having a good email etiquette 
Most professional communication happen in email before getting a point requiring a physical meeting. Being the first point of contact, it is crucial to set a good impression and also represent the person that you are. I found Google to be a great source for tips.

2) Using Google Calendar
Now, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. Juggling work, full time uni workload, internship and having personal time is intense! Having so many things going on, putting everything down into a diary helped me stay on track with upcoming tasks and events. It's easy to get lost with all these going on. For some, a physical diary works but I'm all about being on the go with my phone and Google Calendar is a life saver. 

3) Take Intiatives and Be Involved
I faced a few road-bumps coming up to this point; not knowing what to do, getting feedback and getting tasks that did not captivate me. Looking back however, that's all in the experience. Paying attention to the surrounding and offering help when needed helps. Once I took the initiative, it has definitely improved. As the saying goes,

"It's not about the job you do but how you do the job"

I decided on this as my first blog topic as a reflection to the importance of attitude in starting an internship and also basically anything in life beyond the scope of university. It was a great bring back indeed. 

More days to go, let's see what's to come! 

Till then,

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