Wednesday, September 28, 2016

One week to go…

In a few days, everything will come to an end and I can definitely say that I will never forget those twenty days spent in my placement. If at the beginning it was difficult to merge with the other employees, at the end of the week it will be difficult to say goodbye.

Those twenty days were not a lot but I surely learnt so many things that will be useful for the future and here are some of them that I will never forget.

Don’t be afraid!

Of course, when you don’t know anyone in a new workplace it is easy to be afraid and staying away from others is what you do. One thing I know now is that it does not help because at the end of the day you only need to be yourself. There is always someone to help you in difficult situations and in my case; so many people were here to help me even if they did not actually knew who I was.

Always learn from your errors.

Since it was my first time working in PR, I made some errors but I tried to see those errors as lessons. In fact, every time my supervisor was pointing out an error I did, I immediately wrote it in my notebook and writing it is the best way for me to keep track of my past errors and not repeat them again. At the end of each day, I felt like I became more knowledgeable about PR and in general.

Respect your colleagues (and everyone in general)

Respect is the number one value that you should have towards people working with you. In my placement, I noticed that everybody respected each other and this is one of the main values of the organisation. This simple fact makes things work so well and helps you to wake up every morning to go to work in a really good environment.

I could surely write an entire book on my experience in my placement but here are some points that I shared with you.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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