Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let me guess! Going through the Darkest of Days???

No matter how cool the organisation is, how superb your colleagues are and all the sweetness persuading you this is the time of your life, no one can deny that the transition from a university student to a young working individual is as stressful as proposing to your crush!

On one side there are Assignment deadlines with possibilities of Extension (Thank you Curtin for contemplating the probabilities of illness), while on the other there are simply DEADlines! (Die, but finish the work first!) There is an immense difference between a trainee and a full-time employee, and the reason behind this statement is because the “INTERN HAS TO JUGGLE BETWEEN STUDIES AND WORK” (Aarggh, I promised myself not to use this very ‘cliché’ sentence, suited so well!)

Irrefutably, the working environment can often be nerve-wracking and very few options are left out at interns’ disposal to escape the stress, especially when considering the working environment. Hence, to efficaciously control stress attacks, interns should have certain effective skills under their belt.

-          Recognise when your body is sending you Alerts!!!
It is important that you listen to your body when it stop functioning as per your wishes. Sleep deprivation, under eye bags, extreme exhaustion and the like because of the ‘Intern at Day and Student by Night’ concept, can compel you of becoming ill of your work. In order to avoid the above warning signs, interns should have a 6-hour sleep (Seems impossible, let’s say 4 then!) Personal time and favourite activities, such as, reading a novel, 30 minutes of Football and others can aid in recovering from stress.

-          Breathe!!!
Allow yourself three to four small pauses of five minutes in-between your tasks. Breaks can be effective means of staying focused. Taking off your eyes from your laptop screen for few minutes will help in refreshing your mind and thus lessen the pressure.
Breathe, Drink a glass of fresh water, and Attack!

-          Stop being the Slaves of Smartphones!!!
Avoid browsing social media sites each 5 minutes (Difficult right!). But, always being connected to your phones to scroll down your Facebook and Instagram pages won’t help. Instead, this shall slow you down in your work and eventually add up to your level of stress. Effective Time-management Guys!

-          It is all about the Lifestyle!!!
Healthy habits including morning walks, jogging, balanced breakfasts and so forth are extremely proficient techniques in managing stress. Although you are being submerged by the tons of tasks, never, I repeat, NEVER skip your lunch (Like me) or else you might end up looking like an irritated Zombie about to swallow pens and staplers (Also, stomach noises are embarrassing!).

I hope this blog post might be useful to some of you. Few days are left to make the best of our internships and we better prove ourselves as Megastar Interns. Goodbye Stress!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sheevani
I must admit, I love your posts... and your style of writing! it's soo entertaining yet relatable...
I enjoyed reading the one about 'friends' at work and this one too
I fully support and agree with you on the hardships of being an 'intern'. It is definitely a very delicate and 'in the middle' kind of feeling. It's like you're not a full-time employee nor a student (over there at least). You are stuck in the middle- like a 'worker in the making'. And this feeling is so confusing because you don't really know where your stand! You cannot behave like a student nor a full-time employee... the problem I got when I was interning was that i didn't know how to behave... trust me I used to get refuted by my boss for behaving like a student :P I was just too scared to act like an intern or (at least part-time employee) with the fear of getting it all wrong and ending like a idiot in the end! fiouf... what an experience!
Fortunately I did not have to deal with assignments and work at the same time which (I must admit, I was anticipating), behind the reason of me working during the holidays than during the semester. But I guess, that's also another fun right?
Anyways, thanks for the tips for managing both...
Hope to hear from you soon- do check out my blog posts sometime (its definitely not as funny as yours though) xD