Saturday, September 24, 2016

Oh My God! Those times!! (*Covering my mouth*- unbelievable expression)

Oh My God! Those times!! (*Covering my mouth*- unbelievable expression)

Reminiscing on my internship feels before, during and after!! I just cannot believe I went through all of that…  We human beings have this special and unique ability to be able to FEEL… and not just one type of feeling but numerous ones- I would say in a day but it’s actually in a minute itself. I don’t know if it’s just girls only or everyone? I experienced a lot, before and during the internship even after actually. As an intern you are quite stuck in the middle. You are not really sure where you stand because you are not a full-time employee nor a student (not there at least!). So as a first timer in the work sphere, I was very dazed by how to behave. I’ve even got a few rebukes by my boss as I was acting like a student who needs to ask before going out for instance. You won’t believe, but I was actually doing my work in an essay format (thanks to Curtin!), which amused my boss at the beginning but then I corrected myself. Below is the process of my feelings before, during and after my internship. Ready! Get set! Go!

ü  Last semester, when I realised that I would be presented with the opportunity and the ‘compulsion’ of doing an internship in public relations, I was so excited.
I was looking forward to start applying and working as soon as possible. This idea of me interning for the first time ever was so exciting that I didn’t really see the struggle of before starting (i.e. bagging the internship).
(Excited feeling)

ü  Now when I started applying for internships, I was suddenly struck by reality! The reality where, ‘nobody gets an internship easily’, ‘without backing in Mauritius nothing seems to work’, and finally ‘being rejected every single time’. This harsh reality blew me over and I became impatient as each day went by. Every single email I sent, I was literally praying the lord to make this one – THE ONE!
 (Impatient feeling)

ü  Along with being impatient, numerous feelings pop up too, for instance stress, confusion, desperation and defeated. You are unable to understand the situation and you are at a stage where the only thing you can do is HOPE! You do your best! You stick to the phone 24/7 calling people and waiting them to call back.
(Stressed)  (Confused)  (Desperate)  (Defeated)

ü  The fourth stage of getting an internship is at last the elated feeling!  
Finally bagging the internship is such a moment of pure joy and excitement and satisfaction. All your fears disappear and you start being positive and hopeful again. At this moment you don’t really care what will happen and if you will be able to work; you are just so indulging in your happiness of securing your internship. You suddenly feel strong and mature also. This is exactly what happened to me!
(Elated feeling)   (Hopeful feeling)

ü  The 5th stage is your interview. As I’ve mentioned in my previous blog posts, this interview was extremely stressful for me as it was a first for me! Interviews can be very scary as you are not sure if you’ll be appointed or rejected then! They may as well change their decision after the interview so this feeling of uncertainty prevails still.
 (Fingers crossed)

ü  Fortunately, after your interview, you would automatically have an idea of what the verdict would be or is. Mine was positive luckily and I was on the top of the world!
(I did it! Feeling)

ü  Well, its not over yet- it’s actually the beginning, of a new journey!!!
Yes at first, I was thrilled but then I started to panic and freak out, as I was afraid that I would not be able to fulfil my tasks. But eventually I managed pretty great according to me and I have had an amazing experience working at Omnicane.
 (On top of the world)

ü  Everything has an end- and so did my internship at Omnicane! I had the time of my life and I learned so many things there that I would always remember. As for now I am actually missing my internship days, as they were just awesome. But I guess I’ll have to return there in my next holidays- am so awaiting that!

Till then -thanks everyone for reading my posts! Will keep you posted on further experiences of mine… Cheers

Deepa (CTI student)  


Unknown said...

Well Deepa,

Your anecdote relates me a bizarre impression of a 'deja-vu' of the tiring steps one needs to pave to hunt down an internship. Thank god, I've got mine. Its incredibly one of the soothing feeling you could ever wish for. I would never have expected that it would be that difficult. I can relate the incessant phone calls I've made to the companies with the hope they gave me a positive reply. Most of them just ignored me by promising they would revert back to me and guess what? THEY NEVER SHOWED UP!!! The level of stress rose each day until one of them replied me saying they would be fortunate to meet me.
This is how my journey followed at Elite Voyage to which I will be eternally grateful to the incredible opportunity, experience and 'fun' it gave me.

Unknown said...

Hey Aviin,
Thanks for reading yet again!
Really?? am so glad that you can relate to these feels of before, during and after my internship. I guess it's normal to experience such phases in life as it forms part of growing up. Ohh yes, I totally agree with you on the soothing part as once you get a positive response, it's like you are on top of the world! haha
I still remember that day when I got one acceptance after so much struggle. But you know what, once you get one, (I don't if it's just me) the phone calls and positive responses keep coming! It's like a domino-effect! The day I got one call- the same day later, I received 3 more positive responses and asking for an interview! That was just insane because one week before that I had nothing and all of a sudden I had a choice to make! I was ecstatic. I am so blessed and grateful for that!
I am glad that you finally got your internship and that you enjoying it also :) Interning in a travel agency can bring a lot of contacts and fun and skills too. You are very lucky :)
Thanks again

Unknown said...

Hi Deepa,

Let me tell you firstly that your post is really an interesting and interactive way of engaging with the readers.

Yet, having read all your previous posts, i have came to the conclusion that you have struggled a lot in having this internship at Omnicane and that it was your first internship placement in your entire life! Don't worry, as i am sure you have had much more experience not only in finding internships or attending interviews but more precisely in working at Omnicane. You have been allocated great tasks in the communication sector, specially in Public Relations.
Unfortunately everything comes to an end and even if you have spent great days in this company, you will always be able to find more internships as YOU GOT IT NOW (the process of searching internships). However, i hope you have had the best experience as far as possible and that you have retrieved the most from it.

Kind regards,