Monday, September 26, 2016

Trying to sum it all – [So Far] Experience overload!

Isn’t it incredible how time flies? I am already at my last week as an intern at Flymates and to be honest I feel nostalgic about leaving the workplace. Without any doubt, my placement has enabled me to develop the Public Relations skills learned at University and acquired real-life experience. But above this; there is also the workplace experience which we sometimes neglect to talk about – the workplace values, ethics and behaviors acquired.

Public Relations tasks done [so far].

  •   Newsletter
  • Trianon career and guidance fair event plan
  • Rose Belle Rotary club fair event plan
  • Banners design
  • Video creation
  • Roadshow event planning for 2017
  • E-mailing, phone calls
  • Official letters drafting
  • Facebook event page creation for Trianon
  • Instagram page creation
  •   Local press lists
  • Media Audit
20 days have passed and I have already contributed in the above tasks.  I remember how calling people were stressful at first or how I was lost when having so much work to do at once.
The Flymates team and my supervisor helped me a lot in planning and scheduling my tasks and apart from the PR skills acquired and developed all along the journey, I now recognize that the key to evolve in a workplace is in establishing a good relationship with the team.

Apart from establishing a good relationship with the team, I recommend everyone to never underestimate themselves due to lack of experience in the PR sector. Do have the courage to propose new techniques , new ideas, new visions and do things differently but neatly.

Happy that my proposal for an Instagram account was accepted 

Tools used [so far]:

  • Basecamp
  •  Photoshop
  • Corel
  • Visio
  • Canvas

Here are some tools which I used so far. Basecamp is the online project management tools used by Flymates team to communicate. At first it was a headache for me to understand it but now I acknowledge the importance of having an online communication platform between colleagues and would recommend every business to settle one for internal communication.  I have also learned to use new tools such as Corel for designing newsletters and visio for designing procedures. It is always good as a PR person to learn using new tools. And no need to say that Canvas really helped me creating quick teasers for events Facebook page!

Some workplace values, ethics and behaviors learned [so far].

Dedication and commitment.
I learned that dedication to your work is paramount. It is what increases productivity and quality of work.  I learned that commitment to a task reinforces the team and supervisor’s positive opinions about me and makes it easier for them to trust and assign to me new responsibilities.

Teamwork and cooperation.
Teamwork is the key to evolve in a business. At Flymates I saw some clashes between team members but what I learned is that even if some colleagues do not share affinities with each other, they respect their work enough to work in team and makes the most of it.

Integrity and reliability.
An important work ethic which I learned is integrity and reliability. To be honest and to have strong moral principles is paramount and even more in the PR sector. It does not only show dedication but reveal the personality and character of someone making him/her a reliable and trustworthy colleague.

So far, I hope that, like me, you are enjoying your workplace experience and remember: 

The expert in anything was once a beginner – Helen Hayes. 

Doralie Lebrasse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Doralie,

Wow! This is so much great work done for a 20 days internship placement. It seems that you have had major experience in the field of Public Relations. I am sure you have been able to enjoy your internship to its fullness.
You have been able to cover many techniques of the PR field, including e-newsletter, event management, social media and you have even been able to design content. Hats off Doralie as i am sure you have been able to retrieve the best experience at Flymates.

I wish you luck in your future.
