Thursday, September 29, 2016

Working for your purpose instead of the money..#internship #almost over #prperson

Being a public relations person is not just about promoting your brand image, in fact it is much more, I always believed that one should should not just work for the money, but learn to live for your purpose. During these recent weeks at the office, I realized that public relationship can be so thrilling, in fact everybody looks at you like a savior ! One that has been sent to restore what has been broken..
That's not only because you need to work on keeping the company's reputation or not only about enforcing its relationship with its customers, but it's all about your own vision that is inspiring people even if you don't know it yet. The vision you have for the company, the message you want to send, the things you want people to understand and insert in the business.
Before studying Mass Communications, I had several questions floating in my mind about whether I was making the right choice or not, but today, after several hectic weeks at the office and 3 years of studies, I realized that so far, it was the best decision I had even made, and the bestest was to make Public relations as my major ! 
People my advice to you, don't blend it, public relations is about having an open personality and being able to take up any kind of challenges, it is being able to dig down and understand the source of the problem to make it become an opportunity for change and growth..
In my next posts, I will show you how i applied my pr skills that I just talked to you about, and how the company is blossoming day by day ! 
For now, keep up the good work, its nearly over :)

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