Sunday, October 23, 2016

15 things I have discovered as an intern..

Hey fellow interns!

As my time in my internship draws to a close, I am taking the time to slowly reflect on my experiences so far. I still have two days left with the Place Activation team, but I feel that considering the end is so close, this post is due!

So, here are the 15 things I have discovered over the last 18 days at my internship.

1) Before starting my internship, I thought I knew a reasonable amount about public relations. As it turns out, I knew hardly anything at all! This lack of knowledge has given me a hunger to learn, and to soak up as much information and new experiences as I can!

2) Fitting in at the office is sometimes challenging. As an intern, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb! In an office full of experienced professionals, it can feel awkward not knowing where to go or what to do, it can also feel incredibly daunting!

3) Mastering spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations aren't menial, they're important! Knowing how to master the basic tasks are so important, and they make the foundation for those bigger tasks, and you always need to start somewhere!

4) Events rarely run according to the plan. As Murphy's Law goes, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong! No matter how precisely an event is planned, something will go wrong. I have learnt that it is all about how you deal with, rather than how well you avoid the potential disasters!

5) Self reassurance is key to surviving your internship. Especially for those times where you start to doubt yourself.

6) Attending meetings can be the most beneficial things from your internship experience. Sometimes they can be overwhelming, and you won't have a clue what is happening! But being in a meeting environment is rewarding and highly beneficial.

7) The same with attending staff functions and lunches. Socialising within the office can allow you to get to know your work colleagues beyond a working environment.

8) At times, you will feel completely lost and confused. I've learnt that this is totally ok, and it's all part of the experience!

9) Your internship is what you make it. Taking that leap of faith, going that extra mile and putting your hand up to do those additional tasks all come together to create an amazing internship experience.

10) Putting yourself out there for extra tasks is crucial. Not only do they show that you demonstrate initiative, but they also show your willingness to learn and gain more experience.

11) You will have days where you question whether PR is your "thing"! When you're writing up miles and miles of word document with no end in sight- it's pretty common to feel like this isn't what you want to be spending the rest of your career doing!

12) You won't be running events on your first day. Everyone starts somewhere, and that sometimes means starting right from the bottom. Assisting at events and all the "behind the scenes work" is more important that you think.

13) Everyone starts somewhere. This is the most important thing I have learnt from my internship experience, and it has made those "menial" tasks all that more important to learn and master.

14) Those working around you are the most valuable aspect of your internship experience. I have learnt the most from those working around me. My team have a huge wealth of combined knowledge and experience, and I have been making the most of this!

15) Although it will possibly feel like time is dragging, time will eventually fly by! When I started my internship on the 2nd of August, it felt like the semester's end was so far away! Before I knew it, I have just 2 days left at my internship! The last 3 months have flown by, and I will be sad to leave on my final day!

Thanks for reading my blog this week- I'm sure that most of us will relate to these! My next blog will outline more specifically what I have been involved with throughout my internship experience- I will also be talking about the Get Loud day at Curtin, which I was lucky enough to attend!

Until then,


1 comment:

Sarah Linnegar said...

I can relate to all of your points Georgia, in particular the need to "start somewhere". Throughout my internship, I questioned why I was doing this and if this is PR, is this for me? I had my doubts, but I realised we all need to start from the bottom and understand that we won't be doing the menial tasks forever. Even now as a PR Coordinator, I was informed before starting that my role would involve 25% admin (more to start off with I noticed) and some days I even feel like a PA - but I am totally happy to do these tasks because I know it won't be forever. Each day I am given a little more responsibility and client work, and therefore I know if I keep doing the admin work well I will hopefully be given more client work.

Continue taking on the extra tasks, as well as every opportunity that comes your way, and good luck for your last 2 days!