Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cool Features of my Placement

Hey everyone! This blog post I decided to do something different and show you guys some of the cool features around my office that might be different from any other placements people may be at!

So the first feature I used on one of my first days here was these things called “Quiet Rooms”. We have 3 of them and are they are these small little offices that have a desk, computer and phone in them. A lot of the people working here use quiet rooms for the phone purposes because even though we all have our own phone at our desks, these rooms are far quieter and are great if you’re planning on making a lot of phone calls or conducting a phone interview.

One of the quiet rooms at my placement

Another really cool feature we have is the air hockey table! It’s in the kitchen so you can socialise at break times. I think it’s a really cool and unique idea as it brings together people from different departments and allows us to just have some fun with each other and not take work too seriously. We also have a giant flat screen TV in the kitchen which has the news on it at all times. We also use it for staff meetings we have, so the kitchen is definitely an area for coming together.

Air Hockey Table!
We have three boardrooms within our office that we use for corporate meetings with clients. So far since I’ve started my internship they have only been used once and the meeting was confidential so unfortunately I wasn’t able to sit in and observe. Our graphics design team often use them for filming, so they are quite multipurpose.

One of our fantastic boardrooms for client meetings/presentations

These are just a few of the cool features we have at our office and I’m sure as I get further and further into my time here that I will discover more and more of them J

Holly Armstrong
Curtin University

1 comment:

Aimee H said...

Hey Holly! Love seeing the quiet room feature of your office - that's such a good idea. My internship is in a very open office, but it would be great to have a designated area to get away from the loud office to concentrate on a call, and to not disturb others. I feel bad conducting interviews over the phone with others around, and at the same time wish people would leave the room when talking loudly on the phone, so this is a great alternative!