Monday, October 3, 2016

Public Relations also means Responsibility

Assigned to complete the holiday package for the religious group within a limited time, a crisis – like situation came up where I had to leave all my work behind and start another completely different task in which the departure was in less than a week.

I was asked to attend a lady who is traveling for the first time to Dubai in a flight transited in Abu Dhabi. Boss said “She is your responsibility .. No stone should be left unturned!”

Stress arises ! But I somehow managed to fulfill my tasks which was firstly to conduct research on all information related to her trip. I immediately took note that the trip from Abu Dhabi to Dubai is travelled by coach buses provided by the Airport rather than by plane.

I then downloaded a map of the Abu Dhabi Airport and traced the pathway from Terminal 3 (landing place) to Terminal 1 (coach buses station). I also found crucial to check the departure times of these coach buses. I afterwards learned she had some issues with her visa. Losing no time, I contacted the Immigration office by email to confirm tariff and procedures for immediate visa.

After obtaining all information needed, I had a meeting with the client at the end of the day to present her every single details she needed to be aware of for a safe trip.

Eventually, this experience was not only one of the most stressful ones but also the most enriching, helping me as an individual to fight my fears of taking responsibilities, boosting me up to work harder not as an intern but as an employee of the organisation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is this old saying that mention "Doctors bury their mistakes. Lawyers jail theirs. But Journalist/bloggers publish theirs for the world to see".

A public relation officer of the company, we have to compromise certain aspect of our work as anything we do maybe subject to be judge or be a representative image of our company and our self as a professional communication officer.

Glad you manage to remain calm over that enriching experience and having the ability to take on responsibilities on your shoulders.

- Steeve