Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Daily routine? OR Daily improvement?

As previously mentioned, I was assigned to work on the texts of Seychelles' hotels which would later be published on Elite Voyage's official website with PR components I've learnt in class! Yeah. At first sight, the idea of doing something great seemed gorgeous to me. My works will be exposed any sooner and people would be able to view my contents.
However, at a certain moment, this work was kinda boring! Imagine that everyday you are stuck on your laptop, to carry researches on the related hotels cause the factsheet is (I would say, useless), to compare different factsheets with the hotels' official websites and other mundane things.
I felt like I was a robot, programmed to perform repetitive tasks until the manager called me to sort things out! Since most of my work is based mainly on research and evaluation, I omitted to include 'special facts'. Those are the unique characteristics of the hotels which render it 'comparable' from others. Second thing, was that I should have undertaken an 'evaluation' process in respect to reviews published by tourists on TripAdvisor. Although, it might seem easy, this duty is largely embarrassing! For instance, the reviews differ from the excellent ones to the poor ones and I must make sure what the two tourists said or mentioned do not spark any conflicts. As a result, an extra of one hour was  allocated to find paralleled reviews to avoid confusion. Of course, a recommendation was provided to explain why Elite Voyage positioned this hotel as the perfect destination.

So when I reflected on this issue, I saw the tasks more of a routine without thinking that I was refining my abilities. For sure, practice makes perfect!

Thank you for reading :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Avin,

I am glad to hear that you analysed who whole issue and came up with a positive aspect out of it. I can also relate to some of your points being mentioned, as i was also assigned to some daily research concerning press kits of our client.

I could say that spending a whole day reading and researching about these strategies could sometimes be boring, however as you said... Practice makes perfect.