Saturday, October 8, 2016

Getting busy and interacting

In my third week at the office I was assigned to the distribution of surveys that I mailed to the responsible parties supervising the category artists for the festival. I had to edit and compose mail for the group of responsible and attach the required surveys that have been framed with specific questions doe the category artists.

In a PR perspective it is very important to have a professional and ethical approach when sending mails to the respective participants. Both English and French is required and above all the message delivered needs to be morally acceptable as it is very important in the communications department as well as writing skills which are essential. In an attempt to seduce the audience it is important to have a proper writing style. Along from the beginning of the Internship untiI now I believe I had a fresh new experience in the working environment and human relations. As part of an experience things may not go your way at every situations but participation and the motivation to throw yourself at sea will help coordinate with your colleagues to fine tune your work. Given a very clear directive from my supervisor on deadlines and my tasks I took notice that the level of intensity in the event organization is hectic and comes with unusual events like last minute crisis. From having good human relations to slowly evolving in this new world for a university student you quickly realize communication is essential at every level in the organization. As a transition we also moved to our new office. Things got physical but we gathered and help move stuff in order to move in. This was a very fun experience. Working in a mobile environment especially when there is a big event coming up gave me a greater exposure in interacting with people and try to get their perspective on the event world.

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