Saturday, October 8, 2016

Learn and get forward...

In my second week at Move For Art, I was assigned with minor tasks in relation with the distribution for flyers and maps to the different governmental organisations around the Island in order to promote the festival in order to enlighten the festival further more. The polyvalent and effective communication installed between team members helped in getting along and acquire certain skills in human relations to operate on tasks in the distinctive departments. In my missions it was essential for me to set path for an effective communication channel within the organization and the stakeholders if need be to dig further on required information for the company. My supervisor has made it clear that the distribution strategy and a timeline were a priority for a thorough marketing and a good PR for the company in the coming month before the D-day. As I was new to this working environment it was hectic at first and a very worthy experience to be able to acquire much knowledge in a very restrained amount of time.

The required information that was needed to fill in would be a clear and appropriate table format that will help enhance time management and clarity through effort put in work.

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