Saturday, October 15, 2016

In the mix of things: Introducing the PR concept as a marketing strategy

LOGO of FCB CREAD and Co Ltd at the entrance of the company

Client Press Release Report
As the placement and internship have recently reached the 10th day mark, nothing really outstanding was presenting itself and even started to doubt about the learning factor outcome at the end of the journey.  From advertising booking, media booking, press release, media monitoring and small basic copywriter workloads to be actually doing something useful and productive in terms of Public relations content was a total blunt in term of working experience for PR but great for communication experience knowledge.

Newspaper Storage of  FCBCread& Co Ltd

Later on that day they was a Request of approval form from an Airline company and I was ask to summarise and rewrite it for designers, commercials and the Communication department. 

The next day, there was a meeting about that project and discussion around the project, the depth of this campaign and set of opportunities that it would be for the Cread & Co Ltd. 

This is where the opportunity for me to step in as an intern and provide knowledge not only about Public relations as someone who studied this methodology of marketing communications, explain its purpose and also the opportunities but also introducing of what as a PR student, I have learn during those three years of studies with the Virgin airlines case study. I explain the concept of Virgin airlines from what it was and how it has succeeded despite the marketing challenges it had, showcase case studies about Virgin Airlines and provide new insights for the Branding, design and Innovation team to enlarge their scoop of strategies that they might apply. 

List of Expertise that the FCB Cread and Co Ltd has a Advertising and Communication Agency
Furthermore that allow to grow my communication  and Public relations experiences in terms of research not only in a short and concise manner but also in way that it will help the concept team from the BDI section would understand and give him new angle to approach his strategies. The other important outcome was to be able to do something PR related and introduce to the company the very concept of public relation during my explanation stating the important things when regarding airlines companies that it deals with people, how public relation works in the Service and hospitality industry context and thus stating how Virgin Airlines proceeded to best up its completion via Public relations and services.

An explanation towards corporate communication in terms of Image and reputation while stating the ways to improve it and methods that was use by other successful Airlines companies. Therefore the concept that employees being the very image, first hand contact to the clients and first impression of the company image was an important task ahead. Another methodology proposed Stating Transmedia Storytelling strategies to bring forward something valuable that already have a strong culture influence and showing it in storytelling manner with blogging, employees’ culture development (Virgin airlines fake stewardess as example), adverts that people can be remember  either with sponsors or have something specific that trigger people thought to associate with the company with it,  and creating new customer bonding practices with the use of Anecdote experience in sponsored or media content.

Other suggestion I was able to introduce what was content marketing experiences for Airlines and how to write for an audience, personalising  the customer experience by introducing such as mobile application usage which can allow passengers to order drink, snack & duty free item from their mobile devices and also access airline-sponsored content,including videos, newspapers and games. Which was only possible because of the understanding of the public relations, analysis through research and exploring the new technologies its facilities in this fast pace technological era we presently are.


Unknown said...

That was a really insightful post! I can definitely see the value of PR in that situation. Awesome to hear that you were able to apply lots of your previous knowledge!

Unknown said...

Hi Emma,

Glad i have to see i was able to give you an insight of the Value of PR in that situation and hope you manage to apply your previous knowledge during your internship as well.

