Thursday, October 6, 2016

Place Activation- Food trucks and....?

Hey everyone!

Hopefully you all enjoyed my last blog post, as much as I enjoyed sharing my first blog with you all.

As promised, I'll be sharing with you all a more detailed insight into my internship, and what it is I actually spend my valuable 20 days of experience doing.

I was fortunate enough to be offered an internship position here at Curtin, within the corporate services. My internship is within the Properties, Facilities and Development business unit, working within the Place Activation team.

The Place Activation team is a close-knit team, consisting of myself and three others. I have been lucky enough to call my colleagues my mentors, as they have taken me under their wing and they make me feel incredibly valued and supported throughout my internship experience. My colleagues come from a range of different backgrounds, but mostly from the arts and creative industries across Perth. I am surrounded by women who have a wealth of knowledge and are happy to freely pass on this knowledge, together with their experiences.

But back to the interesting stuff- what do Place Activation do here on campus? Put simply, Place Activation are here to make Curtin great- the main strategic objective of Place Activation is to get people, not just students, to stay on campus longer and engage with the campus. Place Activation is also aimed at creating a "community vibe" around campus, and another strategic objective is to connect the wider community with Curtin, positioning Curtin as a destination, rather than a tertiary institution.

You may be familiar with some Place Activation activities across campus, most notably the food trucks and the beanbags. Yep, this is all Place Activation! Passive assets across campus are organised by Place Activation, and are the little things that make your day that little bit better at Curtin.

Together with this, many of the activities and festivals across campus are also organised by Place Activation- I was recently involved in the planning and execution of the Mid Autumn Festival at Curtin!

As you can see, I could really rave about Place Activation for a lot longer! I have previously taken these great additions to Curtin for granted, but seeing who organises these things has made me much more appreciative!

Stay tuned for my next blog, where I'll be writing a Buzzfeed-esque blog post on "15 things I have learnt as an intern"!

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