Thursday, October 6, 2016

If You Could Change One Thing in the World, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?

I think my favourite days at my Internship are days I get to spend half in the office and half outside the office. I mean come on, who really enjoys sitting and staring at computer/laptop screens for hours on end. Balance is always a good thing. This internship has made me realise that I would definitely not suit an office job that requires me to be just in the office all day long on a daily basis. As a person who is always too hyped up, I have too much energy to be confined inside office walls. As I realise this more and more, the more I've also been considering what type of job would best suit me in the future.

Another thing I've also realised is that I seem to have a really bad habit of wearing the wrong shoes at this internship. Everytime I'm required to do some field work, I'm always wearing cute uncomfortable shoes, as I think I'll be sitting down all day. And when I'm wearing comfortable shoes, I'm always stuck inside the office. I'm now convinced I should always carry spare shoes with me.

Anyway, excuse my rant. If any of you have had the chance to visit the Bell Tower area this week (most likely not, as it's only primary and highschool kids that are on break - lucky them!) you might have seen some artwork and a tent of artists there. This would be "Bordless Ghandi" promoting unity and world peace, and this goes on for a whole week. With the sun bright and shining, we headed down to Bell Tower to also participate in the promotion of unit and world peace, as we are also in direct coordination and working with them. Yesterday, our concept was "Colour for World Peace" where we laid this big white paper with drawing in it and we invited passerby's to participate and colour for world peace. It was lovely seeing how not only the kids participated and got excited over it but even the parents and people of all ages. It really went to show how everyone really does hope and wish for world peace. We also set-up a small board asking people "If you could change something in the world, what would you change?" and asked passerby's to write their answers on a sticky note and stuck it to the board. Apart from being slightly burnt from the Sun, it was a fun day and I enjoyed being out of the office for a little bit.

How about you? If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?

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