Friday, October 7, 2016

Social Media Guru Appreciation

It shouldn’t be too hard right? Wait until your managing and planning the execution of social media posts. Try not just one platform, four or more! Yes, my role has evolved since you’ve last heard from me... I now have an extraordinary appreciation for all social media gurus out there! I’m establishing, posting and monitoring Twitter, Aus/NZ Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn profiles.

I’m getting the hang of it but it still comes with challenges as the platforms progress MORE planning and MORE PLANNING is required. I found my dream profile plan didn’t always turnout to plan! Rather it’s a working progress that is forever changing. Your dream profile vs reality may have gaps but this will drive improvement and revisits to planned strategy.

Now I may not have these tasks executed at social media guru level but I’m getting there. These are just a few of my learnings so far:

Editorial Calendar/ Visual Calendar is necessary, I’ve found organisation and forward preparation is key for executing and managing social media. A visual calendar has helped with displaying ideas and upcoming social media events in advance. The format will help your visual inspiration and time management. Calendars will visually reassure your soul.

Monitoring applications are life savers without one the platforms I’m monitoring and scheduling content would be in shambles. Currently I’m using Hootsuite to engage in this task, the ease of use and structure allow great navigation and organisation. You can also uniquely stylise the streams for monitoring to suit your organisation.

Canva has been my best friend! A valuable platform introduced in PR Techniques is a savvy medium for any small business. My supervisor had no idea it existed. When pushed for time with the company graphic designer, not having a lavish budget or needing some original content creation it’s an awesome quick fix. I’m proficient in Adobe Suite but I definitely used Canva 99% of the time as it was timely and has an extreme ease of use.

Strategy is key! Each platform needs a tailored strategy and execution plan. Without this your social media platform direction will not be cohesively telling a story. Each platform has different target audiences to define, different functionality and must have tailored varied content to follow. Nobody will follow five platforms if all content mirrors each other.

The internship experience has really shined a light on social media and the extent of it's capabilities. Another revelation I've had is that when a lecture says research they mean it! It needs to be constantly completed to keep up to date with advertising, regulation and new features of all current platforms. But wait, also research new and upcoming platforms, you may be overwhelmed just reading this but I’m sure it’s the PR lifestyle some of us are looking forward too.

A recent download for the Smart Coffee team is We Chat a new application on the scene. Downloads exploding in China and penetrating worldwide, you can pay, chat and post to your profile. The platform is said to be key in assisting cracking China's booming market. I’ve completed a little research for you, read this article to find out a little more about the platform and download to “Keep Up with the PR Jones’s”.

Advice with Katie – Don’t get stuck in a rut with what to post, be positive, bounce ideas off your colleagues, research, be creative and drink lots of coffee.

Also if anyone knows a great app that displays a visual Instagram feed for planning, help a fellow student out please!


Doralie said...

Hi Katie,

In comparison with you, I am responsible of only two social media platforms however I can relate to your experience. You get it all right, strategic planning is the key not to get lost and yes canvas is my best friend too when it comes to design visual posts.

I completely agree with you as well that visual calendar is paramount. In fact where I am working they did not have any visual calendar for managing social media and I engaged myself in introducing the first one. What was insightful was the development of social media strategies to reach different audience and adapt with each strategies to fit different platform, thus again I do completely agree with you that “Nobody will follow five platforms if all content mirrors each other.”

And again research is a never ending love story which our lecturers keep reminding us of. Social media platform is evolving and we have to keep update through it via research as you said.

But research also apply to every post created. All posts must be double check and error free as it is the image of the company which derives from it. Thus, no grammatical error or content mistakes are allowed.

I am also searching for a visual Instagram feed for planning! Still searching if you come across one let me know, I will keep you updated as well.


Doralie Lebrasse (CTI)

P.s: Thank you for the link *Wechat it was very insightful.

Unknown said...

Hi Doralie - Thanks for your insightful comment! Yes, Transmedia Storey Telling way back when introduced us to such a quick and awesome design platform. Research is needed to keep up to date and competitive in the industry. Also keeping up to date with regulations and terms and conditions is also very important. I will keep you updated on the Insta App too if I have any luck. Hope you are enjoying the last few weeks of the semester! - Katie