Monday, October 24, 2016

                                                   First step in the world of Public Relations

Hi All,

My first week of internship at Imagine Communication was really fruitful as I’ve learned a lot in only a few days. I was surprised and pleased to find out that my supervisor was an ex-student of Charles Telfair Institute. This also reassured me because she also conducted the PR393 module so she knew exactly the purpose and the outcome of this internship.

The second week was quite tough as there was a lot of work and I felt as though I had been there for months. However, my colleagues were very helpful and didn’t mind giving me feedback about my work.

In week 3 I felt more relaxed as I was getting used to the working environment. Each day, we had to deal with the media monitoring. We had to spot the latest news about our clients in newspapers, magazines or on the web.
I have gone on several debrief meetings whereby I was given a template for meeting minutes and record the information released in each meeting and insert it accordingly into the template format.

Of course I have done less enjoyable tasks such as archiving and printing, press clippings. But through these small tasks, I have learned a lot and interacted with almost all the employees.
Week four was even more challenging since there was an event coming and we had to ensure the media coverage. Hence, my supervisor handled me the media list and I made the follow up by telephone. I had to call each and every media on the list and inform them about the event and simultaneously get to know if they will attend the event.

The first month was very challenging since at first, I did not really understand what my colleagues were doing. But with the help of my supervisors, I got a better understanding of the clients and their needs. Then, after a few days I got to know the way of working of the company and integrated myself in the business environment.

Best Regards,

Melisa :)

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