Friday, October 7, 2016

The end. (is it really though?)

Coming into my last few days with the Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club. I am currently compiling a final report for the board of directors and also a 'quick' guide on how to social media / newsletter, for the employees there to continue the work that I've been doing. To be completely frank, I initially thought that this internship will be pretty straightforward - since most of the tasks are eerily similar to my actual job. But oh boy - I am wrong. Thinking that since the field of work is also in the sporting industry, the same nature (read: not for profit) and my task was to manage the social media and newsletter aspect of it, I will not encounter many road blocks or detours.

I quickly learnt that even though the job description is very familiar, the working environment and the nature of the job are completely different. I had to 'adjust' to their norms and their organisation's values, which I have to admit is a little bit hard, as I do not agree 100% with how they roll. But then again, there is only so much I can do to change this. I am very grateful that my two supervisors are very open minded and encourage me to voice my opinion and thoughts on the organisation - after having heaps of meetings with them, they told me that I have pretty much observed and analysed their whole organisation within a week, where it took them two years to realise the hurdles. This has brought a massive spark within. My internship was meant to end two weeks ago, but I quickly realise that there are heaps of loopholes that needs to be filled - thus, I decided to extend my internship. It is not my intention at all to 'drag' the internship to this extent, however as mentioned in my previous blog posts: I do not want to leave the internship placement, just because the 20 days minimum requirement is over.

I have offered the surf life saving club my 'services' until whenever they think they internal employees won't need me. This could (and probably) drag on for the next few months. However, I personally do not mind this, as I know that the changes and alterations that I made within the club, needs to be sustainable and efficient; I don't want to be that 'other intern'. This great internship experience is not something that comes by knocking on your door every day, thus it is really important for me to leave positive footprints.

This may be my last blog post, but you will never know what might pop in to this brain of mine. But let me leave you with this quote:

 “Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.” –Sophia Loren

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