Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Pilot Episode - Make or Break PR

The first day of a new job is daunting, not to mention when your job title is the intern, we all picture our first day as the 'pilot episode' of our personal TV show, its going to be great, we are going to make a huge impression in all the right ways on all the right people.

I personally pursued a spot my placement to be able to connect and reach people from different walks of life. I just finised my first week at the Organ Donation and Transplant Foundation of WA (ODATWA), my first task was to...feed the goldfish Isabella #InternLife. My second task was to write up a PR and marketing plan #officelife, for one of our latest initiatives we are assisting with promoting Ros Worthington's latest project The Community Pod, which in turn helps not-for-profits like ODATWA through selling environmentally friendly and sourced; coffee beans, pods and machines.

Throughout a lot of my degree the term 'spinning' has been thrown towards the PR role, however when you actually enter the workplace and have a company or project to promote and protect, you realize that what you are doing is creating relationships (if you choose) or you can become a spinner (booo!), the ball really is in your court in terms of how you represent the PR profession. I definitely chose to build relationships with stakeholders and communities.

Thankfully my 'pilot episode' of a first day, had high ratings, my PR/marketing plan was approved and I was told to begin implementing and reporting on the new project (phew!). I had fed the fish too so she was still alive (double phew!) and absolutely loved my workmates and work space which is open and very inclusive.

I hope you are all enjoying your internships! What was your success story?


Unknown said...

Great post!
I'm also working at a NFP and I really believe that the role of a PR professional (or intern of course) is so important and as you say, so much more than just a "spin doctor"!
Your work certainly feels meaningful when done for a NFP, wouldn't you say?
I hope the remainder of your internship went well.

Marianne Green said...

Thank Tiana! I hope you are enjoying your placement too! It's a great feeling when you are supporting a NFP!