Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Prospective Future...

I wanted to write a blog post that was slightly different to my others, and I would love your opinion on the matter...

In the spare time that I have, usually in the morning between the time I arrive at the office and before our 9.00am WTF meetings, I use my time to search up graduate job opportunities.

I have found my dream job, a major communications and media company called Ogilvy. Many of you might have heard of it! They have a wonderful graduate program that just sounds like the most amazing, hands-on, knowledge gaining experience ever!!

Only problem is, it’s over east…
There are no offices in Perth.

Throughout my research I have discovered Perth is filled with many small, start-up or boutique agencies in the public relations and marketing sector. However, for myself personally, I am definitely a big company, 70+ staff kinda gal. I am not a fan of small companies, I like the big players. Maybe that’ll change over time but at the moment that is the area I want to work in.

And I am really, really struggling to find that here in Perth.

So what should I do? The idea of moving over east is so exciting! It would be an amazing opportunity, and I think that whilst I have no responsibilities, no kids, or anything holding me back, that maybe I should move there?
But it would mean I would be leaving my life here in Perth, and I have it pretty great. I do love Perth and I think it’s an amazing city, however I feel it’s too small for what I want to do. Does anyone else feel this way?

Perhaps I should come back down to earth and remind myself that if I can't find a graduate job in Perth, how would I ever be able to find a job in Sydney, or Melbourne where the competition is much, much higher?

I would love to hear back from anyone reading this! What are your thoughts? Have you felt a similar way? 


Kimberley Diane said...

Go for it, girl! I'm a big believer in following your dreams and if you know that working at Ogilvy is what you want, you might as well give it a shot!!! If you go after what you want, at the end of the day the worst they can say is no, and then you're not any worse off than you are now. But they might say yes!!!
I apply this philosophy to everything in life - it's how I got my dream internship, and how I secured a bunch of cool projects while I was there, and it's really useful for a lot of the fundraising/event work I do in my spare time (sourcing donations and stuff). IF you don't ask for what you want, how is the person supposed to know that you want it?!
Good luck!
P.S. I'm thinking about making the big move myself after Christmas - there seem to be more advertised positions in Melbourne and Sydney, don't you think?

Unknown said...

I'm definitely with Kim here! If you know and feel like it is the best thing for you, than just go for it. At the end of the day, do whatever makes you happy - and you won't need to work another day in your life! Remember to always take any opportunity that comes your way and to always seek new ones too, because you will never know what might be waiting for you on the other side.

Call me cliche, but I live by this quote: Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.

xx Bella

Candace Sharpe said...

Hi there!
I am in complete agreement with Kim and Bella on this! Go for it!
You have found an incredible opportunity and you said it yourself, it sounds amazing. Don't doubt your abilities, you'll never know what you're capable of achieving unless you go for it. My own dream firm is in Sydney and I am quite daunted too at the prospect of leaving Perth for a job opportunity but also so excited about the change it'll bring to my life.
I love the quote, 'If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.' You are quite lucky because you know exactly where you need to knock to get through the door and if it doesn't work the first time, build a door girl!
Best of luck,
Candace xxx