Friday, October 7, 2016

We never stop Learning.

Last Day. 

I'm going to miss this place. Throughout the course of my 1 and a half month Internship, I can say that I've grown as a person. It's funny how you reflect on every single thing as an intern on the last day. 

It just comes in all at once. 

Throughout my internship I've learned to improve my: 

1) Press Release Writing skills 

2) Event Management skills 

3) Communication Skills 

4) Editing and Writing Skills 

5) Crisis Management Skills 

and I've also learned about the importance of Employee engagement and also enhanced my media monitoring skills and figured out ways to be more noted on current issues with regards to the company and industry. 

Aside from all the corporate and informative knowledge that I have gained throughout this course of my internship? I have also made new friends. I am very grateful to my supervisor and colleagues from SOPB's Public Relations Department for tolerating me and also educating me throughout this exhausting, thrilling and overwhelming journey. 


To my fellow peers taking this unit, the advice I can give you based on what I have learned here is to always stay grounded and have it imprinted in your brain that every day is an opportunity to learn and we never stop learning. 

There might be bumps along the way, but those bumps help you learn to be better. I can honestly say, after finishing this report and graduating? I am prepared to face the real working world. To my friends? I wish you guys all the best for your internship and your report as well as your future undertakings. 

Till Next time, 
"We never stop Learning"
- Jessie J

Clinton Chua Han Yong 


Bachelor of Arts: Mass Communication (Public Relations)

Curtin University, Sarawak Campus 

Intern at Sarawak Oil Palm 


Quin said...

Knowing current affairs is so important! Especially during discussion in the office and on social media. There were times when I felt I could have performed better if I knew more of the current affairs and trends as well. Definitely agree with that and the importance with absorbing everything we learn like a sponge. Congratulations on the completion, Clinton!

Unknown said...

Hi Clinton

Great to hear that you have learnt to improve so much skills during you internship and have noticed the importance of employee engagement too.

I totally agree on what you've said about the bumps will help you learn to be better!

Congratulation on the completion and all the best in future!

Alan_Zech said...

Great to hear you're spending some good times interning.
Learning is a great experience and should be valued forever.
Congratulations on completing your internship.