Wednesday, October 12, 2016

WordPress Welcome

I now have social media under my wing as an ongoing task it’s now time to become a WordPress wiz. Since I commenced interning at Smart Coffee the website has been on my mind. My colleagues and supervisor told me from the start, the website needed a major redesign as soon as possible. It did not represent the brand, navigate well, lacked information, creativity and fluency of the style set.

I was assigned the amazing task of pitching a redesign to the team. I think they gave me free rein of this as I hadn’t stopped talking from day one about the importance of changing and redesigning their website. My persistence proved to push forward the task! BUT left me with a busy few weeks of work.

After I received the green light Word Press was my best friend and so was the in house IT guy. Layout, copy writing, images, design and SEO my brain was running a million miles. The elements were all equally as hard but anyone out there needing some basic SEO help, I have the answer for you! Yoast – Just one of the few WordPress plugins that makes life so simple and if you combine this with Google AdWords you’ll be an PR intern pro!

It was a lot I must admit but as the website was finalised as much as it could be the request of translations loomed. The old website had French and Spanish translations but there was more wanted by the organisation. I had to apply Cross Cultural Communication key learnings to this next element. Communication with translators and having pre-emptive industry awareness complemented the process. Overall having the 5 translations (Spanish, French, Chinese, Norwegian and Indonesian)  with more to be added has helped blossom new distribution relationships, inquires and enhanced current customer’s satisfaction and connection.

Along the way I made many mistakes but learned from them all, improving my skill set along the way. I saw the layout above more than I saw anyone I knew over these weeks but it was totally worth it! An awesome skill has been added to my portfolio and I believe it would be highly desirable for any organisation.

Advise with Katie – Give your opinion on your current organisations owned assets, they value your perspective and it may even initiate a task. Absorb any skill that’s offered to you and make mistakes to learn from. 

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