Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I have been officially #Flymate(d)

During my internship at Flymates I learnt that PR is not only about the skills/techniques one learnt at University, but PR also englobe lots of patience, requires creativity, innovation and gut.

I learnt that team work is fundamental but sadly not all team members will put the same effort as everyone. In regard to this, the ultimate lesson I learnt is to adapt myself with different personalities and do my best anyway for every tasks I was assigned to.

Another important thing I learnt is that not every decision worked as planned, but if one is well prepared any issues can be handle. No need to say that communication and Public Relations skills really helped in handling those uncomfortable and unplanned mini crises.

Apart these, I also learnt and acquired other undeniable PR, professional and personal knowledge at Flymates. The day before my last internship day, I was sad to leave the workplace WHEN… the Manager enters the office and asked to talk to me.

So now I officially announce you guys that the result of dedication helps me in getting my first part-time PR placement. I am satisfied of the work I did till now and I am glad that the Manager is giving me the opportunity to prove myself better. I am aware of the struggle I will have to face with assignments and deadlines as I am a full-time student. But, from my internship I also learnt how to organized my time and make the most of it. Thus, I will again do my best in terms of time management and PR working experience.

Having no doubt that your work placement was valuable too, I now wish you all good luck for the report J


Doralie Lebrasse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Doralie

Congratulations on securing this post, this is proof that you're doing some things and the feeling of being appreciated is very much rewarding while juggling work with uni assignments. I was proposed the same from my Supervisor but mine will be of effect after the holidays since I usually go back home. Do you feel like engaging in both work and school have diminished your commitment towards your studies or actual grades?

Fortunately I haven't had any collaborative issues, my teams were always professional and completed their share on time. But I guess your experience is not a first, as aside to PR teachings from uni we encounter such group members. Lol

Thank you for the warm wishes and likewise; I wish you all the best in your PR career!
