Thursday, September 22, 2016

Not all posts are happy ones.

I have never seen a sad post, promotion or blog post by a large corporation. I've viewed Peta shock it's audience with disturbing images of animal cruelty through social media; insurance companies give the importance of safety of your family speech to guilt you into taking their next offer and Chevron or Woodside constantly attempting to make the message clear that the environments protection and preservation is their one and only goal. 

However, these are promotional schemes and strategies for a company to gain reputation and profit. A sad or emotional post has no goal or motive it's simply the company expressing their despair and grief. 

When the event is something as sensitive as a passing of a faculty member how do you approach this?

A week ago a member of staff past away. This affected the entire community at the college. Today was her funeral and it was performed at the college chapel today.

The college's involvement with her life and death meant that it was up to the community relations department to represent the emotions felt here at the college. It was agreeed that a dedication to her memory should be posted on Facebook.

As a former boarder and student who knew her, I was asked to give insight into the woman that she was and what she brought to the college as a teacher, career and a mother to the boarders missing their own.

However I had no idea about what to contribute. It's easy to learn how to make an engaging post for a fun company adding content, themes and pictures that are interesting. However, as students we never learned how to engage with the public with a sad theme. 

I guess it is a similar process to the crisis management process showing compassion, caring and respect to the stakeholders affected by the event. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Joanne, I agree, not all posts are happy ones however the crisis simulation did cover social media angles that were not positive. Remember the fires and how at one point it was not known if all staff were safe. Issues and crisis management is where this kind of posts sits and it's a good experience for you as there will be many times you don't have positive posts.