Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What’s behind an article?

Don’t forget for whom you are writing

The first thing to be done when you are given an article to write is your audience. This is something that my supervisor repeated to me several times. It’s one of the basics of article writing. You should adopt your reader’s state of mind even before starting the research to be done about the subject you are writing about. I think that it really helps to know your audience before the research process since you are more aware of where and what to research. When you know what your readers are willing to get out of your article, you are more likely to include the right content.

You should know the subject and be specific

The second part of article writing can now be about the subject you are writing on. Read and research widely on the subject. Don’t forget to look for statistics or interviewees. To write an article you should have something to say which is interesting and trustworthy. You should never take information for granted because if you neglect single information, it could be ruining to your reputation and the company’s reputation also. Again, you should put yourself in the place of the reader and think about what kind of information you would like getting out of reading the article. As a reader, I like articles which are full of details and information that I would not be able to access elsewhere. Of course, this is where you’ll define the; who, what, why, when, where, and how of your article.

The angle of the article

Defining the angle of the article is another important step to article writing. The angle of the article is the way you choose to tell the story. It is mainly related to the audience you are writing for. Either you want it to be funny or the opposite, this is the part where you need to be creative and find an interesting way of catching people’s interest. Some writers are able to have little information about the subject but write it in a way which makes it pleasing for readers. According to your audience, I suggest finding different angles for your article and defining which one seems to be the best piece.

Start writing and make people read

Finally, write your article. It seems to be easy to write an article. If you have a passion for writing, it is not a big deal for you. If you already made a plan for the article, it surely comes out to be easier since you already know what to write. As said previously, writing the article in different angles could be a way for you to find the best one. A great tip that I heard several times during my studies is to always make people read your article before posting it. Always try to get someone to read your articles because the way you write could be clear for you but not for everybody.

Here is what I think is behind an article. Let me know what you think of the topic. What do you think is behind an article?

See you soon for my next post!

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