Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Not that easy!

Though the experience is great and i get to learn a lot from it, it involves a lot of responsibility and personal efforts...
As a student i am use to another kind of life, it is almost about attending classes and working on assignments, readings and sleeping but at work it's different... It's all about waking up very early and be at my maximum, concentrated and on alert all day!
Personally i find it quite difficult, may be because it is my first experience at a work place or may be it is because i have to deal with the courses and assignments along with the internship. The thing that was quite difficult to manage was about being at my best at work and by the same time meeting deadlines at uni.
It was very difficult for me to work till late on my assignments as a day at was very tiring.
Internship along with assignments ultimately end in a lack of sleep and mood swing!

However, i'm am nearly at the end of my 20 days , got only some days left and i will be then able to give myself completely into my academic work as the semester also is nearly at his end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Sharone,

It has been mostly the same for me as this internship was also my first experience at a work place. Working in an office might be quite hard as there are hours that need to be respected. I however believe that it's all about timing, I think working and going to classes has not helped us at all but the experience gained from it is quite satisfying.

Concerning your internship, I believe that you might be able to deal with this issues as when the days goes by, you might learn to improve this idea of handling both work and studies. I moreover wish you luck on the rest of your internship and hope you will further enjoy it.

Best of luck,