Hi all
Sorry I have no idea if I can edit old posts, so I decided to write a new one.
I just got some very good news from my supervisor. One of the concepts (placement) of my marketing plan has been implemented. In the planning process I asked my supervisors if Alzheimer's Australia WA flyer's have ever been distributed to Centrelink offices. They were impressed with this simple idea, as it was an avenue they have never considered.
Today I contacted Centrelink (for the second time) and they called my supervisor. They discussed the idea of Alzheimer's Australia WA flyer distribution in the Centrelink offices around WA and they agreed.
The reason I thought it relevant to approach Centrelink, is because they supply a carer payment. Many carers who care for people with Alzheimer's are generally not professional carers, but are the loved ones of the person with the condition. These carers will now have access to information about Alzheimer's Australia WA and the help they provide when they enter Centrelink offices.
So in conclusion I am very happy with myself at the moment as this could potentially mean more awareness and interest for the organisation, which could result in more funding... and more dementia champions.
Well done!
It such an amazing feeling when all your hard work pays off for you!
Is it better working for non-for-profit or do you think it is harder than in the corporate sector?
Hope all goes well for you,
I've never really done PR in a corporate sector so I can't say, but I one thing I notice amongst everything is the money. They are very carefull on what they spend and monitor all costs to a T!
It feels good when you see a suggestion or comment you make being implemented. No idea is small or trivial when it comes to PR, most people rack their brains trying to come up with stupefying strategies when in actual fact the ones that seem simple really pack the punch. Pr is really about coming up with the best means to avail communication between stakeholders and you got it right.
Good call dear, the Alzheimer's community is lucky to have you on their side.
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