Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alzheimer's Australia WA

Hi All

Hope your placements are going well. I am not used to full time work and I am exhausted, but it will all be beneficial in the end. Last week after asking my supervisor for the organisations PR policies, I was told that they were all in his head. As there was no hard copy of these policies I was given the task to draft some up.

Google is a wonderful thing as it has helped me immensely during this placement. I have never developed any PR policies before and not knowing the organisation that well, it was very difficult to work out the wording or the order of responsibility.

I am constantly working on the Dementia Champion concept and am trying to think of new ways in which to obtain champions. I have started implementing ideas developed in my marketing plan, however people do not seem to want to get back to me, meaning I have began pestering some people!

Anyone who is keen on becoming a Dementia Champion just has to fill in the sign up box it's so easy and you will be helping out Alzheimer's Australia WA! The more champions the more voice the organisation has!

Hope all is going well for everyone


1 comment:

Naledi Rantikele- LUCT said...

hello Alzheimer'

oh! Organisation PR Policy, i would like to know much aboutit.i need you help Plzzz.

we are really having fun and learn at thesame time during internship process. i hope by the end of the training i will learn a lot from my colleaques and also learn from me. i wold like to thank Katherine to invite me to this blog because everyday i open the blog pagei mustlearn something new about PR field.

enjoy your training Alz!