Saturday, July 10, 2010

New media: the backbone of an NGO.

Hi!! Everyone

The first week was much more relaxed in my internship with PT Foundation, a non-governmental organisation that provides information and education in regard to HIV/AIDS and sexuality in Malaysia. After being introduced to the organisation staff by my colleague Dinesh, I was given a task to use the new media to spread the message about the organisation to the community. PT Foundation is one of the blessed organisations to have a large number of Malaysian celebrities working with it. I was given a list of around 40 Malaysian celebrities to ask them to follow our organisation page in twitter; it was an easy thing to do because all the 40 celebrities had before I joined the organisation, work with the organisation in one of its huge campaigns called AIDSaware, a campaign to raise 13 000 photo messages to remember the 13 000 Malaysians who died of AIDS as from the late 1980s until to date. With this twittering I was using the new media which is now the backbone of all the companies/organisation to establish themselves to the public/community which are mostly found in the social media.

Still in the first week I was given another task to use the new media to bring the organisation to the internet users. This time around I was writing a wiki entry for our organisation, this came after a brief discussion with my colleague Dinesh and our supervisor, Kevin, that apart from the website and the blog we need to have another thing to find our organisation easily while searching it from the internet. We realized that Wikipedia, is one of the easily accessible link, hence the need to create a wiki for our organization.

At the end of the week I had a chance to leave the organisation Headquarters to visit the organization’s other centers to learn how they run their daily duties.

With this, welcome to my first post and look forward to read more in the coming weeks. Wishing you a happy stay at your internship places.

Thank you all.


Naledi Rantikele- LUCT said... seems like you are enjoying the profession of PR where you are Boss. im in love with new seems like in our coutry Botswana Thabang you know that people are no fimilar with new media, im so glad with how we get exposure of using new media as a tool to our key public,,i hope you will be light for our country Botswana in future

Thabang said...

Yah, Naledi, am in love with PT Foundation and it is very much interesting that as a Motswana am learning something which i will later introduce to our organisation back at home. Mind you, PT Foundation is just an NGO and you know that most of the NGOs are not much publicized and using the new media, it will help them to be known.

Thanks for you comment though. I think you are happy at Media Prima.

Godirilwe said...

hey Thabang
i really appreciate how they are utilising you. i love your topic new media:the backbone of an NGO, its very intresting because its very true. the media can make or break an organization and if its non governmental that is more dangerous as the company is at the mercy of the severe scrutiny by the media, the best way to get around this is to have good media relations. big ups