Saturday, October 29, 2016

A unique experience and opportunity in the marketing mix

The golden opportunity to work on a client communication strategy during the placement internship stay was unique experience and allow me to view new avenues for Public Relations Tactics. The idea never really come to mind since in Mauritius Virtual Reality is still a rare thing and using it as a Tactics within a communication strategy is something that can be viewed as Revolutionary. On a Public Relations perspective a tactic using Virtual reality to promote the service or to give the client a first-hand simulated experience is an excellent way to communicate about your product or key message. This was one of the communication tactics that may be put in place after my Internship ends in a client overall strategy

FCB Cread expertises list

Another part of communication strategy was the social media communication development plan. The need to design and pre-planned events with an overall explanation of its working was a bliss when you realise the unique opportunity to make qualitative and quantitative research to enhance your strategies. 

From content marketing post, photo contest, game design creation making use of events or make used of people passion to promote the client image, the difference in margin from the learning of the university and the job is thin but this time the importance of precision and details have a higher impact. This was part of a 3 phase plan of the client communication strategy that will be run over the course of 12 months if the client approves the pitch.

The Research and development part of the communication strategy was very interesting either on the road safety campaign or the airline company campaign. Both in terms of qualitative and quantitative research or in research of thematic for the campaigns. Some of the themes that was research upon were Vision, Visibility and safety on the road, use of seat belts and child restraint and effects of road crashes. This is where research emphasis were made on high rate campaigns by reviews their evaluation reports, view their key messages to be input in the local context and give ideas to designers for various themes that are to be implemented.

Illustration image for research quantitative and qualitative methods

The various and unique experiences of each department at Cread and Co Ltd have allow me exercise a different approach within my learning of the Public Relations discipline and made me wonder how I could be of service at times.  Mainly during the early days of the internship were I made research of how Public relations can help within the context I was in but also help me to discover new knowledge about the various opportunities that Public relations has in the marketing world and its overall importance. I must say it help me to refocus upon what i have learn in my past studies and moreover boost my confidence afterwards to perform in my internship with my own unique and personal touch from someone who have a Public Relations background.

My internship just ended on the 27th October, I had quite a pleasant time with an amazing opportunity to learn and understand how the background of the advertising world to the finish line where the communication strategy is dissipated within the newspapers or radio spots. This unique opportunity to work within a marketing mix medium and have various types of clients with unique jobs demands. From the working of the full fledge communication strategy to simple facebook videos, radio spots or newspaper advert, the amount of knowledge acquire within those 22 days have pique my interest to know more about the communication world and the Public Relations added benefit upon a business communication strategy.


Unknown said...

A good post and interesting to read for references in PR Internship.
I also learned some new techniques from PR that applies to the company and how to work with it.
Good luck, Steeve

Unknown said...

Thanks Isabella,

Glad you had a simillar experience with your internship

Good luck with your report as well,



Unknown said...

Hi Steeve,

It seems that you internship was really focused on PR strategies and tactics. It also looks like you have been able to put in practice what we've learn in PR modules and acquire more experience in the PR field.

Your post is a very structured one and reflect you devotion to the tasks you have been assigned to.

I hope you enjoyed your working experience as much as i did.

Cheers :)

Unknown said...

Hey Steve,
It looks like you had an amazing internship.
You should actually feel honoured as you've got the opportunity to apply the theories to your work and one more reason to love the public relations field :D

Your post is a kinda long one but it was so intriguing that I ended up reading the whole of it.

Keep up the good work !